All our articles
How to Pray: a Prayer Guide
- How to Pray: a Prayer Guide-
- Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus-
- Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus-
- Prayers to the Sacred Heart in Difficult Times-
- Devotion of the Sacred Heart-
- Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus-
- What Is Lectio Divina, And How to Pray It-
- Lectio: The First Step of Lectio Divina-
- Meditatio: The Second Step of Lectio Divina-
- Oratio: the Third Step of Lectio Divina-
- Contemplatio: The Last Step of Lectio Divina-
- Group Lectio Divina-
- Liturgy of The Hours-
- Compline-
- Matins: The Office of Readings-
- The Little Hours: Daytime Prayer-
- Blessing: Definition and Blessing Prayers-
- Prayers Before Meals-
- Urbi et Orbi-
- Easter Prayers-
- Prayers for Holy Week-
- Stations of The Cross-
- Prayers for Holy Thursday-
- Good Friday Prayers-
- Prayers for Holy Saturday and Easter Vigil-
- Praise to God-
- Praise and Intention-
- The Mass: A Sacrifice of Praise-
- Why We Praise God-
- Praising God, How and When?-
- Words of Praise-
- Praising God in music-
- Musical Praise in the Bible-
- Healing Prayers-
- Prayer for the Sick-
- Prayers and Novena for Cancer Patients-
- Prayer for Deliverance-
- Psalms of Deliverance-
- Prayer to St. Michael and the Nine Choirs of Angels for Protection and Deliverance-
- Prayer to Our Lady of Deliverance-
- Healing Prayer for a Loved One-
- Prayer to Heal the Body-
- Healing Miracle Prayer-
- Prayer to St. Raphael for Healing-
- Prayer for Liberation-
- Prayer for Stress Relief-
- Litany of The Saints-
- Litany of St. Joseph-
- Litany of St. Rita-
- Litany of St. Expeditus-
- Litany of St. Michael The Archangel-
- Litany of St. Anthony-
- Litany of The Saints for Baptisms-
- Litany of The Blessed Virgin Mary-
- Litany of The Holy Spirit-
- Litany of The Holy Angels-
- Litany of The Holy Name of Jesus-
- Litany of The Sacred Heart of Jesus-
- Prayers for Family-
- Praying as a Family-
- Family Blessings-
- Prayer for a Broken Family-
- Prayer for a Family Going through Hard Times-
- Parents' Prayers-
- Parent’s Prayers for Baptism-
- Father’s Prayer-
- Mother's Prayer-
- Prayer for Fathers-
- Prayer for Mothers-
- Prayer for the Protection of Home and Family-
- Thanksgiving Prayer for Families-
- Prayer for Fertility-
- Prayers for Protection-
- A Prayer to St. Rita for Protection-
- Powerful Protection Prayer-
- Prayer to Mary for Protection-
- Prayer for Protection of Your Home and Family-
- Prayer for Divine Protection-
- Prayer for Deliverance and Protection-
- Prayer for Protection at Work-
- Prayer for the Deceased-
- De Profundis, a prayer for the departed-
- Prayers for the Departed-
- Funeral Poems-
- Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory-
- The Glory Be-
- The Glory Be in Latin - Gloria Patri-
- Prayers for Work-
- Prayer for a New Job-
- Prayer to St. Anthony for Employment-
- Prayer for Job Security-
- Prayer for Success at Work-
- Prayer Before Work-
- Guardian Angel Prayers-
- Thank You My Guardian Angel-
- Guardian Angel Novena-
- Guardian Angel Invocation-
- Prayers to the Angels-
- Prayers for a Soulmate-
- Prayers for Love-
- Prayers for a Struggling Relationship-
- Prayers for Love to Come Back-
- Prayers for a Couple-
- St. Anthony Prayer for Lost Love-
- Prayers to St. Therese-
- Prayers for the Feast of St. Therese-
- Prayer to St. Therese for Healing-
- Prayers for St. Therese's Little Way-
- St. Therese Miracle Prayer-
- “24 Glory Be” Novena-
- St. Therese Novena-
- The Prayers of St. Therese-
- Praying with St Therese' Poems-
- Wedding Prayers: Sample Prayers and How to Write Your Own-
- Praying for Your Spouse-
- Wedding Prayer Examples-
- Prayers for Engaged Couples-
- Catholic Prayers-
- The Canticle of the Sun-
- Prayer to St. Christopher-
- Prayers to St. Bernadette Soubirous-
- Communion Prayer-
- Prayer of Surrender-
- Prayers to St. Benedict-
- St. Benedict Prayer to Seek and Find God-
- St. Benedict Prayer for Protection-
- St. Benedict Prayer to Protect a Child-
- St. Benedict Novena-
- St. Benedict Exorcism Prayer-
- St. Benedict Prayer to Eliminate Negativity-
- The Chaplet of St. Benedict-
- How does Meditation Fit into the Christian Spiritual Tradition?-
- Prayer of Jesus-
- Contemplative Prayer-
- A Guide to the Rosary-
- Latin Prayers-
- The Tantum Ergo-
- The Confiteor in Latin-
- The Agnus Dei-
- The Kyrie-
- The Sanctus-
- Gloria in Excelsis Deo-
- The Te Deum-
- Anima Christi-
- Prayers to The Virgin Mary-
- Consecration to Our Blessed Mother Mary-
- Magnificat-
- The Magnificat in Latin-
- Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima-
- Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe-
- Prayer to Our Lady of The Americas-
- Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes-
- Prayer to Our Lady of The Miraculous Medal-
- Hail Holy Queen-
- Prayer to Mary, Undoer of Knots-
- What is Contemplative Prayer, and How to Pray It?-
- Aspirations-
- Liturgical Prayers-
- The 15 Prayers of St. Bridget-
- Funeral Prayers-
- Prayers by St. Padre Pio-
- Padre Pio's Prayer to The Guardian Angel-
- Prayers for The Intercession of St. Padre Pio to Bring Miracles-
- Padre Pio's Prayer for Protection-
- Padre Pio's Efficacious Prayer and Novena-
- “Stay With Me, Lord”-
- Novena to St. Padre Pio-
- Prayers to St. Michael The Archangel-
- Consecration to St. Michael The Archangel-
- Exorcism Prayer by Pope Leo XIII-
- Hymn to St. Michael The Archangel-
- Prayer to St. Michael by Pope Leo XIII-
- St. Michael, Patron Saint of the Paratroopers-
- Act of Contrition: How, Why, and When to Say It?-
- Prayer Before Confession-
- Prayer After Confession-
- Prayer of Repentance-
- Confiteor-
- Prayer of Forgiveness-
- Prayer for God’s Forgiveness-
- The Apostles’ Creed-
- The Apostles’ Creed in German-
- The Apostles’ Creed in Spanish-
- The Apostles’ Creed in French-
- The Apostles’ Creed in Italian-
- The Apostles’ Creed in Portuguese-
- Credo - The Apostles’ Creed in Latin-
- The History of The Apostles’ Creed-
- The Meaning of The Apostles’ Creed-
- Hail Mary-
- The Meaning of The Hail Mary-
- The Origin of the Hail Mary-
- Angelus-
- The Hail Mary in French-
- The Hail Mary in German-
- The Hail Mary in Italian-
- Ave Maria - The Hail Mary in Latin-
- The Hail Mary in Portuguese-
- The Hail Mary in Spanish-
- Morning Prayer-
- A Morning Prayer to your Guardian Angel-
- Morning Prayer: Bible passages to meditate upon-
- A Family Morning Prayer-
- Lauds-
- Powerful Short Morning Prayers-
- A Morning Prayer for Mary-
- Night Prayer-
- A Night Prayer to your Guardian Angel-
- The Canticle of Simeon-
- Short Night Prayers-
- Family Night Prayer-
- A Night Prayer for Mary-
- Office of Vespers-
- Pray a Novena, Why, How and When?-
- Novena to the Holy Spirit-
- Novena for Pentecost-
- Miraculous Medal Novena-
- History of the Miraculous Medal-
- Novena to St. Joseph-
- St. Joseph Novena to find Employment-
- Novena to St. Joseph for a House-
- Novena to St. Rita-
- Novena to the Immaculate Conception-
- Novena to Mary Undoer of Knots-
- History of Mary Undoer of Knots-
- Painting of Mary Undoer of Knots: Signification and Explanation-
- Prayer to Mary Undoer of Knots-
- Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes-
- Novena to St. Michael the Archangel-
- Invocation to the Nine Choirs of Angels-
- Novena of The Divine Mercy-
- Novena to the Sacred Heart-
- Novena to St. Expedite-
- Novena to The Holy Family-
- History and Origin of Novenas-
- The Rosary-
- The Chaplet-
- The Chaplet of Divine Mercy-
- The Hour of Mercy-
- Devotion of The Divine Mercy-
- Prayers of Divine Mercy-
- The Mysteries of the Holy Rosary-
- Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesdays and Fridays)-
- Luminous Mysteries (Thursdays)-
- Joyful Mysteries (Mondays and Saturdays)-
- Glorious Mysteries (Wednesdays and Sundays)-
- St. Joseph Rosary-
- Chaplet St. Michael the Archangel-
- Rosary of The Holy Wounds-
- The Rosary of Liberation-
- Holy Spirit Chaplet-
- 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Chaplet-
- Prayer to Saint Rita-
- Prayer to Saint Rita for Impossible Cases-
- Prayer to St. Rita for a Difficult Marriage-
- Prayer to St. Rita for Healing-
- Prayer of Thanks to St. Rita-
- St. Rita Triduum-
- Prayer to St. Joseph-
- Hail St. Joseph-
- Pray to St. Joseph for a House-
- St. Joseph Chaplet-
- Prayer to St. Joseph for Employment-
- Prayer to St. Joseph for Impossible Cases-
- Miraculous Prayers to St. Joseph-
- Prayer to St.Joseph the Worker-
- A 30 Day Novena to St. Joseph-
- Consecration to St. Joseph-
- Memorare of St. Joseph-
- Ancient Prayer to St. Joseph-
- Prayer to St. Jude-
- A Chaplet to St. Jude-
- Act of Consecration to St. Jude-
- Litany to St. Jude-
- Pray a Novena to St. Jude-
- Prayer to the Holy Spirit-
- Prayer to the Holy Spirit by St. John Paul II-
- Veni Creator Spiritus-
- Veni Sancte Spiritus-
- Prayer for Pentecost-
- Holy Spirit Symbols, Names and Charisms-
- Prayers to St. Anthony of Padua-
- Prayer to St Anthony of Padua for Lost Things-
- Miracle Prayer of St. Anthony of Padua-
- Prayers to St. Anthony of Padua to obtain Graces-
- Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua for the Family-
- A 13 Day Novena to St. Anthony of Padua (a Tredicina)-
- 13 Tuesdays Novena to St. Anthony-
- Prayer to St. Anthony for Love-
- The Lord's Prayer-
- Pater Noster - The Lord's Prayer in Latin-
- The Lord's Prayer Explained-
- The Origin of The Lord's Prayer-
- The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic-
- The Lord's Prayer in French-
- The Lord's Prayer in German-
- The Lord's Prayer in Italian-
- The Lord's Prayer in Spanish-
- Prayers of the Faithful-
- Prayers of the Faithful for Weddings-
- Prayers of the Faithful for Baptism-
- Examples of Intentions for the Prayers of the Faithful-
- Prayers of the Faithful for Funerals-
- Prayers to St. Expedite-
- Miraculous Prayer to Saint Expedite-
- Prayers to St. Expedite in Times of Conflict-
- Prayer to St. Expedite for Protection against Evil-
- Prayer to St. Expedite for Exams-
How to Read the Bible: a Bible Guide
Guide to Christian Feast Days and Solemnities
- Guide to Christian Feast Days and Solemnities-
- Immaculate Conception: Origin and Meaning, Celebration, Devotion, Prayers-
- Festival of Lights: Origin and Meaning, Celebration and Traditions, Prayers-
- Feast of Divine Mercy-
- How to Prepare for the Feast of Divine Mercy-
- The Celebration of Jesus' Ascension-
- Meditation and Prayer for Ascension Thursday-
- Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker-
- Feast of the Assumption: Meaning, Celebration, Prayers-
- Assumption of the The Virgin Mary: Meaning, Celebration, Hymns and Prayers-
- Queenship of Mary: Meaning, Feast, Prayers-
- Feast of Christ the King: Origin and Meaning, Celebration, Prayers-
- Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Marie: meaning, celebration, devotion, prayers-
- Mothers’ Day: Origin, Celebration, Devotion, Prayers-
- Fathers’ Day: Origin, Celebration, Devotion, Prayers-
- Saint John's Day: Meaning, History, Celebration, Prayer-
- Valentine's Day-
- Nativity of the The Virgin Mary: Origins, Celebration, Devotion, Prayers-
- Our Lady of Sorrows: Meaning, Celebration, Devotion, Prayers-
- Our Lady of the Rosary: Feast, Prayer-
- October: Month of the Rosary-
- Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Meaning, Celebration, Devotion, Prayers-
- Feast of Corpus Christi: Origin and Meaning, Celebration, Devotion, Prayers-
- Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels: Meaning, Celebration, Devotion, Prayers-
- Feast of All Saints’ Day: Origin and Meaning, Celebration, Prayers-
- All Souls’ Day: Meaning, Celebration, Prayers-
- Feast of the Transfiguration: Meaning, Celebration, Prayers-
- Visitation: Meaning, Celebration, and Prayer-
- Easter-
- The Way of the Cross-
- Holy Thursday-
- Easter Vigil-
- Good Friday-
- Holy Week-
- Eastertide-
- Octave of Easter-
- Palm Sunday-
- Christmas Day, December 25th-
- The Advent-
- Christmas Gifts-
- Meaning and History of the Nativity Scene-
- Feast of Saint Nicholas, December 6-
- Christmas Mass: the Tradition of the Midnight Mass-
- The Octave of the Nativity of Jesus-
- The Celebration of the Baptism of Christ-
- January 6, Theophany Day-
- The Feast of the Epiphany or Feast of Kings-
- Epiphany: Why are the Magi celebrated?-
- Where does the tradition of the King Cake come from?-
- The Day of the Innocents, December 28-
- The Holy Family: Saint Mary, Saint Joseph, Jesus-
- January 1, Feast of Mary, Theotokos-
- The Feast of Lent-
- The Feast of Ash Wednesday: Forward to Easter!-
- The Feast of the Holy Archangels-
- Prayers for Back-to-School-
- The Blessing of the Backpacks-
- Teacher's Prayer-
- Solemnities, feasts, memorials: the different liturgical celebrations in the Catholic Church-
- Pentecost-
- Mary, Mother of the Church-
- How to Prepare for Pentecost?-
- Exaltation of the Cross-
- Holy Trinity-
- Feast of the Annunciation-
- Week for Christian Unity: Meaning and Origins, Celebration, Prayers-
- Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter-
- Feast of Saint Joseph-
- Celebrating Mary All Year Long-
Guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Miracles and Apparitions: Everything You Need to Know about Divine Manifestations!
- Miracles and Apparitions: Everything You Need to Know about Divine Manifestations!-
- Apparitions of the Virgin Mary, from Ancient Times to the Present Day-
- Akita: Apparitions, Messages, Prayers-
- The Apparitions of the Virgin Mary in 2022-
- Amsterdam: Apparitions, Messages, Pilgrimage, Sanctuary, Prayers-
- Aparecida: Miraculous Statue, Miracles, Sanctuary, Prayers-
- Beauraing: Apparitions, History, Message, Sanctuary-
- Garabandal: History, Apparitions, Messages-
- The Message of Garabandal-
- The Prophecies of Garabandal-
- Fatima: Apparitions, Messages, Secret, Prayers-
- The Secret of Fatima-
- Guadalupe: Apparitions, Miracles, Message, Sanctuary, Pilgrimage, Prayer-
- The Miracles of Our Lady of Guadalupe-
- Knock: Apparitions, Pilgrimage, Prayer-
- La Salette: Apparitions, Message, Prayer-
- Our Lady of Laus: Apparitions, Miracles, Message, Sanctuary, Pilgrimage, Prayer-
- Medjugorje: Apparitions, History, Messages, Today-
- The Messages of the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje-