Dominic of Prussia (or Dominic of Trier) was a Carthusian monk of the eleventh century who was responsible for the establishment and use of clausulae in the prayer of the rosary. Discover the 50 clausulae of Dominic of Prussia, to be inserted in the Ave of the rosary and found in the Cartusian rosary, a variant of the prayer of the rosary, proposed by the monk Dominic. These clausulae, validated by a vision of Dominic's master - Adolf of Essen - and advocated by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, served as inspiration for the clausulae written by Saint John Paul II.
1. ...Jesus, “conceived by the Holy Spirit at the announcement of the angel”, is blessed.
2. … Jesus, “who with you who conceived him, visited Saint Elizabeth”, is blessed.
3. ... Jesus, “whom, virgin of body and soul, you gave birth to with joy”, is blessed.
4. ... Jesus, “whom you nursed from your virginal womb, worshipping in him your Creator”, is blessed.
5. … Jesus, “whom you wrapped in swaddling clothes and slept in a manger,” is blessed.
6. … Jesus, “whom the angels celebrated by singing the Gloria in excelsis, and the shepherds visited Bethlehem”, is blessed.
7. … Jesus, “who was circumcised on the eighth day, and received the name of Jesus,” is blessed.
8. ... Jesus, “whom the Magi worshipped by filling him with gifts”, is blessed.
9. … Jesus, “carried by you to the Temple and presented to God, his Father”, is blessed.
10. ... Jesus, “received into the arms of old Simeon, and recognized by the holy widow Anne”, is blessed.
11. … Jesus, “with whom you fled to Egypt, because of the persecution of Herod”, is blessed.
12. … Jesus, “with whom you returned seven years later, to your homeland, warned by the angel”, is blessed.
13. … Jesus, “lost in Jerusalem when he was twelve years old, and found in the Temple by you after three days”, is blessed.
14. ... Jesus, “who grew every day in age and grace before God and men”, is blessed.
15. … Jesus, “whom John baptized in the Jordan and designated as the Lamb of God,” is blessed.
16. … Jesus, “who, having fasted for forty days in the wilderness, triumphed over the temptations of the Enemy,” is blessed.
17. … Jesus, “who, after choosing his disciples, announced the Kingdom of God”, is blessed.
18. … Jesus, “who opened the eyes of the blind, healed the lepers, lifted up the paralytics and delivered the possessed from the devil,” is blessed.
19. ... Jesus, “whose feet were bathed in tears by Mary Magdalene, dried from her hair, anointed with her perfume”, is blessed.
20. … Jesus, “who raised Lazarus and other dead,” is blessed.
21. … Jesus, “received in triumph by the people on Palm Sunday,” is blessed.
22. … Jesus, “who at the Last Supper instituted the sacrament of his Body and Blood,” is blessed.
23. ... Jesus, “who in the garden, after praying for a long time, sweated blood abundantly”, was blessed.
24. ... Jesus, “who, going to meet his enemies, voluntarily gave himself into their hands”, is blessed.
25. … Jesus, “bound and bound with strength by the envoys of the Jews, and thus led to the high priest,” is blessed.
26. ... Jesus, “who, falsely accused, had his face veiled, was struck and covered with spittle”, is blessed.
27. ... Jesus, “declared before Caiaphas and Pilate to be condemned to the torment of the cross as a criminal”, is blessed.
28. ... Jesus, “stripped of his clothes and cruelly scourged by order of Pilate”, is blessed.
29. … Jesus, “crowned with thorns, clothed in a purple cloak and hailed as a king of farce by the soldiers”, is blessed.
30. ... Jesus, “condemned to an infamous death and led to torture between two thieves”, was blessed.
31. ... Jesus, “nailed to the cross and watered with gall and vinegar”, is blessed.
32. … Jesus, “who, praying for his tormentors, says: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing,” is blessed.
33. … Jesus, “who said to the thief crucified on his right: “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise”, is blessed.
34. … Jesus, “who says to you, his Mother: “Mother, here is your son”; and to John: “This is your Mother”, is blessed.
35. … Jesus, “who from the top of the cross cried out: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?””, is blessed.
36. … Jesus, “who says: “I'm thirsty!”, and after tasting the vinegar exclaimed: “It is finished.””is blessed.
37. … Jesus, “who finally cried out: “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” ”, is blessed.
38. … Jesus, “who for us, poor sinners, suffered a cruel and sorrowful death”, is blessed.
39. ... Jesus, “whose side pierced by the spear caused the Blood and Water to gush forth for the remission of our faults”, is blessed.
40. ... Jesus, “whose sacred Body was taken down from the cross and placed in your arms according to a pious belief”, is blessed.
41. ... Jesus, “whose body wrapped in a shroud and fragrant with spices was deposited in the sepulchre by pious men”, is blessed.
42. ... Jesus, “whose sepulchre was sealed and whom the Jews kept”, is blessed.
43. ... Jesus, “whose holy soul descended into hell, to lead the holy patriarchs to paradise”, is blessed.
44. ... Jesus, “who rose on the third day, filling you, his sweet Mother, with an ineffable joy”, is blessed.
45. … Jesus, “who after his Resurrection often appeared to his disciples and friends to strengthen their faith”, is blessed.
46. … Jesus, “who, in your presence and that of the holy apostles, ascended into heaven and sat at the right hand of the Father,” is blessed.
47. … Jesus, “who, according to his promise, sent the Holy Spirit on his disciples on the day of Pentecost”, is blessed.
48. ... Jesus, “who at last called you to himself, his sweet Mother, placing you at his right hand and crowning you with glory”, is blessed.
49. ... Jesus, “who will also call us his servants and yours after this miserable life, and place us in the Kingdom of his Father”, is blessed.
50. ... Jesus, “who reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and with you his most holy Mother, triumphant and glorious forever”, is blessed.
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