Clausulae from John Paul II

The prayer of the rosary can be accompanied by clausulae. These few words added in the prayer of Hail Mary, help us to meditate on the various mysteries of the rosary. Saint John Paul II, who strongly encouraged the recitation of the rosary, wrote and shares - in his apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae - ten possible clausulae for each of 20 mysteries. 



Clausulae of John Paul II: the joyful mysteries

The bold text replaces “the fruit of your womb” in each Hail Mary.


The 10 Clausulae of the Annunciation Mystery

  • and Jesus, whose coming Gabriel announces, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who is the beloved son of God, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who comes into you through the Holy Spirit, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, of whom you are the ever-Virgin Mother, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who incarnates to save us, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, in whom all the promises are fulfilled, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who became a man so that we could become children of God, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, whom you carry within you with love, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who desires to live in us, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, whom we must love in our brethren, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of Visitation


  • and Jesus, whom you carry inside you at Elisabeth's, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who transports you with joy, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who brings joy to Elisabeth, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who makes John the Baptist leap for joy, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who inspires you with the Magnificat, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who has done wonders for you, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who overthrows the powerful and raises the humble, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who fills the hungry with good things, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, who gives joy to those who love him, is blessed.
  • and Jesus, whom we must serve in our brethren, is blessed.


The 10 clausulae of the mystery of the birth of Jesus

  • And Jesus, a little baby in the manger, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, the image of the invisible God, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, born for us in Bethlehem, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom you sleep in the manger, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom you worship with Joseph, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose birth the angels announce, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom the shepherds come to worship, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, before whom the Magi prostrate, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes himself poor to detach us from riches, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes himself small to teach us humility, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Temple Presentation Mystery

  • And Jesus, whom you present in the Temple, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who offers Himself to His Father, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom Simeon, moved by the Spirit, comes to worship, is blessed
  • And Jesus, in whom Simeon recognizes the Savior, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who is the glory of Israel, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who is the light of nations, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who will forever be a sign of contradiction, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose Passion Simeon gives you a glimpse of, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, in whom the prophetess Anne sees the deliverer, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom the Holy Spirit reveals to those who pray, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Recovery of Jesus in the Temple

  • And Jesus, who comes to pray in the temple with you and Joseph, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who remains in the temple without your knowledge, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who takes care of His Father's business, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who teaches us to seek the Kingdom of Heaven first, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose wisdom astonishes the teachers of the Law, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom you and Joseph were anxiously seeking, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who, at twelve, tests your faith, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who submits to you and Joseph, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, with whom you lived hidden in Nazareth, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose words you ponder in your heart, is blessed.


(source: Mary of Nazareth website)

Clausulae of John Paul II: The Luminous Mysteries


The 10 clausulae of the mystery of the baptism of Jesus

  • And Jesus, who receives the baptism of John in the Jordan, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who wanted to assimilate himself to sinful humanity, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who took upon Himself all the sins of the world, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, to whom open heaven comes to bear witness, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, on whom the Spirit comes to rest, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who hears the voice of the Father, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, recognized by the Father as his beloved Son, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who has all the favor of the Father, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, in whom the Father puts all his love, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who opens us to the new life of children of God, is blessed.



The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Wedding at Cana

  • And Jesus, who is invited to the wedding meal, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, to whom his mother said: "they have no more wine," is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who said to Mary, “Woman, what is there between you and me?” ", is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose hour has not yet come, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom Mary invites us to follow by saying: “do whatever he tells you,” is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who had the ballot boxes filled with water, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who turned water into wine, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who manifests his Glory by this first miracle, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who comes to seal a new covenant with his blood, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who prepares us for the wedding feast of the Lamb, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Preaching of Jesus

  • And Jesus, who comes to proclaim the Good News to us, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who calls us to repentance and faith, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who came to forgive our sins, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who teaches us the way of the beatitudes, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who came to heal us, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who opened the eyes of the blind, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who made the paralytics walk, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who purified the lepers, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who casts out demons, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who teaches us the law of forgiveness, is blessed.



The 10 clausulae of the transfiguration mystery at Mount Tabor

  • And Jesus, who invites Peter, James and John to the assembly, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who is transfigured during his prayer, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who becomes dazzling white, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom the apostles behold in his glory, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who is surrounded by Moses and Elijah, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who hears the blessing of the Father, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, of whom the Father says: “This is my beloved son, listen to him,” is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who strengthens the faith of the apostles in view of his Passion, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who prepares us for the revelation of His glory, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who will share his eternal glory with us, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Institution of the Eucharist


  • And Jesus, who celebrates the Passover with his disciples, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who blesses the bread and the cup by giving thanks, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who says “This is my body delivered for you,” is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who says “This is my blood poured out for you,” is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who celebrates the new covenant in his blood, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who tells us “Do this in remembrance of me,” is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes himself food for men, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who is the true paschal lamb, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who invites us to the banquet of the Kingdom, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who remains forever visible in his Eucharist, is blessed.


(source: Mary of Nazareth website)


Clausulae of John Paul II: the sorrowful mysteries

The 10 clausulae of the mystery of the agony of Jesus in Gethsemane

  • And Jesus, who takes upon Himself all our sins, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose soul is sad to death, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who prays in anguish, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who invites us to watch and pray with him, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who says " Father, not my will but your will", is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose sweat became like drops of blood, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom an angel comes to comfort, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who lets himself be stopped like a lamb, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom Judas betrays with a kiss, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who asks Peter not to take the sword, is blessed.



The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Flogging of Jesus

  • And Jesus, the most beautiful of the children of men, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who is scourged to the point of blood, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose body becomes a wound, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who sheds his blood to wash away our sins, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who purifies us with his scourged flesh, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who does not open his mouth to complain, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, the Lamb of God, slain to save us, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose bruises heal us, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who is still tortured in all the oppressed, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, your beloved skinned child, is blessed.



The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Crown of Thorns

  • And Jesus, who is our only king, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, humiliated to atone for our pride, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom the soldiers crown with thorns, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose face runs with blood, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose face is covered with spittle, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who is silent in the face of insults, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, always meek and humble of heart, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, always merciful, was blessed.
  • And Jesus, who supports the persecuted, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who teaches us true humility, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of Carrying the Cross

  • And Jesus, whose innocence Pilate proclaims, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, condemned to death and bearing his cross, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who falls three times under the weight of the cross, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who rises to teach us to rise from our faults, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom you meet on the road to Calvary, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, with whom you suffer for our salvation, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whom Simon of Cyrene helps to carry his cross, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who imprints his face on Veronica's veil, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who invites us to weep over our sins, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who teaches us to carry our cross, is blessed.



The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Crucifixion

  • And Jesus, stripped of his clothes, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, crucified between two criminals, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who shouts: “I'm thirsty,” is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who says: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing,” is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who asks you to be our mother, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who promises paradise to the good thief, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who entrusts his spirit into the hands of his Father, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who dies of love for us, is blessed
  • And Jesus, whose side is pierced, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who, raised from the earth, draws everything to himself, is blessed.


(source: Mary of Nazareth website)


Clausulae of John Paul II: The Glorious Mysteries

The 10 clausulae of the mystery of the resurrection of Jesus

  • And Jesus, who comes out gloriously from the tomb, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose angels announce the resurrection, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose empty tomb Peter and John find, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who appears to you after his resurrection, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who appears to Mary Magdalene, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who walks with the disciples of Emmaus, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who appears to the apostles, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who shows his wounds to Thomas, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who entrusts his Church to Peter, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who conquered death, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Ascension of Jesus

  • And Jesus, who ascends gloriously to Heaven, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who reigns gloriously at the right hand of the Father, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who prepares us a place with him, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who remains with us forever, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who calls us to make disciples of all nations, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who speaks to us through the Scriptures, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who comes into us through the Eucharist, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who is in our midst when we are gathered in his name, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who draws us to Heaven, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who will return in Glory to judge all men, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Pentecost Mystery

  • And Jesus, who sends the Holy Spirit to the apostles, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose Spirit descends like tongues of fire, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose Spirit enlightens the apostles, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose Spirit sustains the courage of the apostles, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose Spirit filled the apostles with joy, was blessed.
  • And Jesus, who gives us the Spirit of Light, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who wants us to devote ourselves to prayer, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose Spirit animates the whole Church, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who sends us to bring the Gospel to our brothers, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, whose Spirit will be poured out on all flesh, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Assumption of Mary

  • And Jesus, who gave us his mother, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who protects you from the corruption of the tomb, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who lifts you up body and soul in his glory, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who brings you into the joy of the Father, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, to whom you forever sing your love, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who raises you above the angels, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes your assumption a sign of hope for all men, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who turns our desires to eternal realities, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who will resurrect us all at the end of time, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who gives eternal life, is blessed.


The 10 Clausulae of the Mystery of the Coronation of Mary

  • And Jesus, who crowns you Queen of Heaven, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes you the queen of the apostles, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes you the queen of martyrs, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes you the queen of virgins, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes you the queen of all saints, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes you the queen of the Church, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes you the help of Christians, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes you the comforter of the afflicted, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes you the refuge of sinners, is blessed.
  • And Jesus, who makes you the mediator of all graces, is blessed


(source: Mary of Nazareth website)


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