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The Spiritual Benefits of the Rosary

The Spiritual Benefits of the Rosary

The Spiritual Benefits of the Rosary

The rosary prayer is an ancient prayer that provides many benefits to those who recite it. It is a prayer requested by the Virgin and widely disseminated by the Saints and Popes. Whether it is addressed to the Virgin, to Christ suffering his passion or to a saint, the benefits are immense, and we will certainly be able to experience them in our lives.

A prayer requested by the Virgin during her apparitions

Pontmain, Lourdes, Fatima: places visited by the Virgin with a different message but a common point, that of reciting the rosary. Through this prayer, Mary wants to lead us to her Son and teach us to trust and surrender to God while putting ourselves in His hands through meditating on the 4 mysteries retracing her life and that of her Son.

The Virgin spoke to children who were poor, but held great piety. The little shepherds of Fatima and Saint Bernadette are children who teach us the beautiful prayer of the rosary and who share with us the messages of the Virgin about this beautiful prayer. 

3 recognized benefits of the rosary

Saint John XXIII used to say that the rosary “is the prayer of the people and the poor.” Even though it may seem repetitive and our imagination leads us in all directions, the rosary will remain a powerful weapon against the devil, a source of particular graces. We can list at least 3 benefits that will help us better appreciate this prayer and perhaps channel our imagination. We can recall the words of Saint Pope John Paul II that speak volumes about the necessity of this prayer: “this Marian prayer should be like a daily breath.”


We have undoubtedly experienced our hearts hardened by our faults. One of the benefits of the rosary is this grace of conversion that we can experience by praying the rosary with devotion and perseverance. Learning from Jesus and Mary through meditating on the mysteries of the rosary or other rosaries dedicated to different saints is beneficial for the conversion of our hearts. 


Our lives are marked by various sufferings: physical or mental illnesses. Focusing to pray can sometimes be challenging. We may face difficulties due to fatigue. The essential thing is to draw close to Mary and, even through reciting one or two decades, we may experience healing graces.

Do what is possible according to your strengths.  The Virgin Mary has promised during her various apparitions to bring healing to those who confide in her through this prayer, or at least the strength and courage to continue fighting against suffering.


The world is currently marked by numerous conflicts, as often lamented by Pope Francis during the Angelus prayer every Sunday. The rosary prayer has achieved victories, notably during the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571, and thus Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated every October 7. This celebration was established by Pope Saint Pius V. Peace in the world is a desire for each one of us. Let us arm ourselves with our rosaries to overcome evil. It was in Fatima and Pontmain that the Virgin asked that we pray for peace.

Experiencing other graces

Everyone can experience other benefits related to the recitation of the rosary. In a way, it is also a personal prayer, like a heart-to-heart with the Blessed Virgin. It comes to give us the graces we need. We can recite the rosary for a particular intention, a person who has asked us to pray for them.

Meditation on the various mysteries can also help us in our journey of conversion. Patience in trials, fraternal charity, trust in God: these are fruits linked to very specific mysteries and which are there to help us in our Christian life.

Pray the rosary with Hozana and Rosario

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