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Divorce and Separation: Finding Consolation in the Prayer of the Rosary

Divorce and Separation: Finding Consolation in the Prayer of the Rosary

The ordeal of divorce seems to annihilate the love and the suffering felt shakes us. However, at the heart of this trial of separation, we are not alone, Christ if we leave him a place, walks with us and gives us all his love. We can feel this consolation and divine love through the meditation of the rosary. This Marian prayer brings many spiritual benefits. It is a beautiful way to get through the ordeal of separation.


Get through the ordeal of separation

The upheaval and ordeal of divorce can shake up our spiritual life. The ordeal annihilates us. It is challenging to find the way to pray that allows us to enter into a heart-to-heart with Jesus and Mary. The rosary is a prayer that the Church gives us to meditate on the life of Christ and His Mother through the various mysteries. We can also take the time to add clauses to delve deeper into the mystery that we meditate on, especially when praying the rosary alone. 

The rosary is a Marian prayer that we can recite at any time. It is a prayer that brings many graces, such as that of consolation. During this rosary prayer, we can entrust all our suffering, all our tears to the Virgin Mary, and she will be able to intercede with her Son for us…

With Christ, Pray the Sorrowful Mysteries

In the ordeal we need consolation, the peace of support. Christ does not abandon us, and He does not leave us alone. The sorrowful mysteries of the rosary can be meditated upon. The five sorrowful mysteries: the agony of Jesus, the scourging, the crowning with thorns, the carrying of the cross, and the crucifixion. Christ suffered for us during His passion, and He suffers with us when we go through painful trials like that of separation. Through meditating on the sorrowful mysteries, we can experience the presence of Christ in suffering.

1st Sorrowful Mystery: the Pain of Jesus

“He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 'Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:41-42)

During our wedding, we did not choose the trial of separation. It imposed itself on us for multiple reasons. We are struggling to accept what is happening in our lives. We feel anger and injustice. Through the intercession of the Virgin, during this first decade of the rosary, come help us accept this cup as you did at the moment of your agony.

2nd Sorrowful Mystery: Flogging

“Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.” (Mark 15:15)


Difficulties have been piling up for you since your arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. For us as well, hardships have been accumulating with the various procedures for this divorce. The days are challenging, and we are discouraged, crushed, and in need of courage to face the different stages of this process. May the grace of courage be granted to us as we recite this second decade of the rosary.

3rd Sorrowful Mystery: The Crown of Thorns

Treated harshly, he was humiliated, he did not open his mouth; like a lamb led to the slaughter, like a sheep silent before her shearers, he did not open his mouth. (Isaiah 53: 7)


O Lord Jesus, this divorce humiliates us because this trial is experienced as a failure. We feel judged by those around us. Give us the strength to overcome these humiliations and to go through this trial so that we come out stronger. May this rosary give us this grace.

4th Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross

“And carrying his own cross, Jesus went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha).” (John 19:17)


Jesus, this trial of separation is so hard to carry daily. You bore your cross while your body was already bruised. Give us your strength to move forward daily. May this decade of the rosary teach us patience in trials and give us strength to walk day after day.

5th Sorrowful Mystery: Crucifixion

“Then he said to the disciple, 'Here is your mother.' And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” (John 19:27)


Annihilation is a consequence of this ordeal. Before dying, you give us your Mother. Thank you for giving us Mary to help us along the way. Just as Saint John takes her into his home, we welcome Mary into our home by reciting this decade of the rosary. May she take under her maternal cloak our separated couple.

With Hozana, pray for couples in hardship

Difficulties in relationships are numerous and on Hozana, you have the opportunity to pray for couples going through trials and also to entrust your own by joining different communities.

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  • , powerful intercessors for families. Every day a topic is proposed.
  • In hard times, remember what’s important with this novena from Ampleforth Abbey 

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