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Praying the Rosary to Give Thanks for a Birth

Praying the Rosary to Give Thanks for a Birth

Giving thanks for the birth of a baby is a beautiful prayer intention. The Joyful Mysteries invite us to rejoice with the Virgin Mary for this new life. During the recitation ofthe rosary, it is an opportunity to ask for many spiritual benefits for this child. Praying for them is a beautiful gift we can give them. 


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Praying the joyful mysteries in thanksgiving

We can start with a sign of the cross and start by taking the time to name the child for whom we want to pray the rosary.

Then we can recite:

  • an I believe in God
  • an Our Father
  • three Hail Marys

Then we can begin to meditate on the joyful mysteries, which are well suited to the happiness of a birth.

1st Joyful Mystery: the Annunciation

The Angel Gabriel came to bring Mary the message of the birth of Jesus. During this decade, we can give thanks for the arrival of this baby and for everything they will bring to the family.

2nd Joyful Mystery: the Visitation

For the second joyful mystery, we are invited to meditate on Mary's visit to her cousin Elisabeth. We can give thanks for all those who rejoice with us at the birth of this child, just as the Virgin Mary remained with Elisabeth until the birth of John the Baptist.

3rd Joyful Mystery: the Nativity

The mystery of the nativity invites us to dive back into family intimacy. Joseph and Mary with the child Jesus in their arms. We can take the time to name the baby and give thanks for the moment of their birth in a very special way.

4th Joyful Mystery: the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple

During the presentation of Jesus in the temple, Saint Joseph and Mary present their child to God. We can do the same during this decade of the rosary and especially entrust the baptism of this little child in the coming months.

5th Joyful Mystery: the Finding in the Temple

The last joyful mystery invites us to meditate on the years to come. Jesus is 12 years old, his parents lost him, and they found him in the temple. We can take the time to entrust the future of this child and to entrust their future activities to God, as well as the choices that we will have to help them make afterwards.


After each mystery meditation we say a decade of the rosary starting with an Our Father, then ten Hail Marys and ending with a Glory Be. 


How to entrust a newborn to God

A Mother's Prayer

“It is from You, O my God, that I received this child to whom I gave life; it is also into Your hands that I come to entrust him. Please accept the gift that I offer to You, by dedicating him to You. Please especially sanctify him by Your Grace; and since he only lives because of You, make it so that he may live only for You as well. I do not ask for him glory, riches, or temporal prosperity, because these apparent goods often turn into real evils, and through the misuse that most people make of them, they usually become the instruments of their vices and passions. All I desire for his glory and happiness is that he never ceases to fear You and love You, because it is only by fearing You and loving You that he can be virtuous and happy.” Abbé Joseph de Reyre

The Sacraments

During the life of this newborn, we will be invited to help them discover Christ and the Church. We can accompany them in preparing for the different sacraments starting with baptism, then first communion, and at the time of adolescence, confirmation.

The sacraments will give him grace to continue his life in the company of Christ.

Trust your baby and family to the protection of God with Hozana

With Hozana, you have the opportunity to pray for your child and for yourself by signing up for different prayer communities for free. 

Guardians of children can 

 to pray with their own guardian (angel) every other day.

Parents may also enjoy

patron of fathers. 


Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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