Moral suffering is everywhere. Two that we see often are depression and anorexia. The consequences of these diseases are dramatic for those affected, and also affect relatives and friends. Many remedies exist to get out of it, and among them prayer. The spiritual benefits of the Rosary are numerous, and will allow you to find consolation and comfort during the meditation of this Marian prayer.
At the heart of suffering, it is necessary to find a path of consolation and relaxation in addition to the various therapeutic means implemented. Confiding in Mary will allow us to walk in her shadow, and she will help us to move forward.
The rosary is a Marian prayer that we can recite at any time with our spouse or alone. This is a prayer that brings much grace, such as that of consolation. During the prayer of the rosary, we can entrust all our suffering, all our tears to the Virgin Mary, and she will be able to intercede with her Son for us.
It can be difficult for anorexic people to realize that they are really suffering, yet those around them are confronted with the full force of it, and are aware of the evil that is eating away at these people. The prayer of the rosary is a source of consolation and peace for loved ones.
In the ordeal we need consolation, the peace of support. Christ doesn't abandon us. The sorrowful mysteries of the rosary can be meditated upon. The five sorrowful mysteries: the agony of Jesus, the whipping, the crowning of thorns, the bearing of the cross, and the crucifixion invite us to walk with Christ. Meditation on the sorrowful mysteries can be a source of grace for the entourage affected by the psychological suffering of a family member or a friend. The people around us can therefore meditate on this prayer intention.
“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.” (Luke 22:42-43)
Father in heaven, you see the suffering that overwhelms me. I feel a big void that I want to fill. Bring me your presence and help me get out of this trial. I know you can do anything. In you, I put my trust. That by this decade, the Blessed Virgin brings me comfort like the angel in the garden of olive trees.
Despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces, he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. (Isaiah 53: 3)
It is not others who hide their faces in the ordeal I am going through, but it is I who have fallen into this trap of denial. Comfort the people around me who have suffered from seeing me suffer. Come and help me repair my body abused by anorexia. I ask you for this grace during this decade through the intercession of Mary.
They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him. (Mark 15:17)
O Lord, you endured the mockery of the Roman soldiers. Faced with the trial of depression, I am sometimes misunderstood in the suffering I am going through. Come and give me strength through this ordeal to bear these mockeries in order to overcome the trial and walk towards healing. I also entrust to you those who do not understand this illness. Thank you for giving me your strength throughout my healing journey.
And he himself, carrying his cross, went out towards the place called The Skull (or Calvary), which is called in Hebrew Golgotha. (John 19:17)
Crosses are often too heavy to bear. You too, Jesus, fell three times. Faced with depression/anorexia, I am weak and overwhelmed. Give me your support, or make it possible for me to lean on trustworthy people in order to emerge victorious from this trial. I place my trust in you through the intercession of Mary.
“At three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”)” (Mark 15:34)
Often, I have the impression of a great emptiness and I want to cry out like Christ on the cross: “My God, why have you forsaken me?” “I turn to you Jesus, with confidence, I know that in suffering, you do not leave me alone. Make me feel your presence during this decade of the rosary so that I may be soothed.
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