Dominic of Prussia, a Carthusian monk from the fifteenth century, decided one day to add a small phrase to his Ave Marias during his Rosary prayer in order to help focus his attention on Christ throughout his rosary prayer and meditation on the mysteries. This practice, strongly encouraged by Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II, is a true treasure for delving even further into the beauty and depth of the rosary.
What is a clausula?
Etymologically, the term clausula refers to the words added at the end of a recitation in order to change the rhythm. As part of the prayer of the rosary, the clausulae represent an addition that is made to the classic recitation of the Hail Mary, following the name of Jesus.
To each mystery, a particular clausula is added that refers to it. (Discover the first clausulae written by Dominic of Prussia)
The clausulae replaces "the fruit of your womb" of the traditional Hail Mary prayer.
For example, for the decade corresponding to the mystery of the Annunciation (first mystery of the rosary), instead of reciting 10 classic Hail Marys, like this:
Hail, Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. ”
We recite 10 Hail Mary with a specific clausula to this mystery, which gives:
Hail, Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is Jesus, who comes into you through the Holy Spirit. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
What is the point of adding clausulae to my recitation of the rosary?
Clausulae have several benefits. In particular, they help:
- in the meditation of the mystery. By being specific to each mystery, they allow you to better enter into it. They can offer an angle of understanding of the Gospel passage as well as how it can resonate for us today.
- to contemplate Christ. They are about Jesus (what He is, what He says, what He did). Thus we remain with our eyes fixed on Christ, even through this Marian prayer.
- to conscious recitation by allowing us to stay focused on prayer and avoid running away in our thoughts. They break the monotony of the recitation and force the praying person to be attentive to the words.
Examples of clausulae for each mystery of the Rosary
The clausulae are not part of the basic prayer, they remain very free. Each of us may or may not use them in our prayers and may also invent new ones.
The clausulae that are indicated here are therefore by way of example.
Some are proposed by Saint John Paul II, who wrote a decade for each mystery.
Clausulae for the Recitation of Joyful Mysteries
Examples of Clausulae for the Annunciation Mystery
- and Jesus, “whom you welcomed with confidence / by your yes”, is blessed
- and Jesus "conceived by the Holy Spirit at the announcement of the angel Gabriel", is blessed
- and Jesus, "who incarnates to save us", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, "who desires to live in us", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of Visitation
- and Jesus, “who in your womb visited Saint Elizabeth”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “who made the child carried by Elizabeth shudder”, is blessed
- and Jesus, "who transports you with joy", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “whom we must serve in our brothers”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Nativity Mystery
- and Jesus, “whom you wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger,” is blessed
- and Jesus, “born in Bethlehem”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “little child”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “whom you worship with Joseph”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, "who makes himself poor to detach us from riches", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Presentation of Jesus to the Temple
- and Jesus, “whom you presented in the Temple”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “circumcised on the eighth day”, is blessed
- and Jesus, "who is the light of nations", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, "in whom Simeon recognizes the Savior", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Recovery of Jesus in the Temple
- and Jesus, “lost and found, three days later, in the temple”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “who grew every day in age and grace before God and men”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “who teaches us to seek the Kingdom of Heaven first”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “whose Words you meditate in your heart”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Clausulae for the Recitation of the Luminous Mysteries
Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Baptism of Jesus
- and Jesus, “baptized in the Jordan”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “appointed by God as his beloved son,” is blessed
- and Jesus "who took upon himself all the sins of the world", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus "who opens us to the new life of children of God", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Wedding at Cana
- and Jesus, “who heard you at Cana”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “who did miracles for the glory of God”, is blessed
- and Jesus, "whom Mary invites us to follow by saying: “do whatever he tells you”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “who changed water into wine”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
- and Jesus, “who announced the reign of God”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “who invites us to conversion,” is blessed
- and Jesus, "who comes to announce the Good News to us", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “who teaches us the way of the beatitudes”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Transfiguration Mystery
- and Jesus, “who appeared transfigured on Mount Tabor”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “manifesting his glory to the apostles”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “to whom the Father says: “This is my beloved son, listen to him”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “who will share his eternal Glory with us”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Institution of the Eucharist
- and Jesus, "who at the Last Supper instituted the sacrament of his body and blood", is blessed
- and Jesus, “giving us the sacrament of his love”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “who is the true Paschal Lamb”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “who invites us to the banquet of the Kingdom”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Clausulae for the Recitation of Painful Mysteries
Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of Jesus' Agony in the Garden of Olives
- and Jesus, “dying in the garden of gethsemane”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “going out to meet his enemies, willingly gave himself into their hands,” is blessed
- and Jesus, “who invites us to watch and pray with him”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “who says ' Father, not my will but Your will'”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Flagellation of Christ
- and Jesus, "stripped of his clothes and cruelly scourged by order of Pilate", is blessed
- and Jesus, “beaten and suffering in his flesh”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “who is still tortured in all the oppressed”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “the most beautiful child in the world”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Crown of Thorns
- and Jesus, “crowned with thorns, clothed in a purple cloak and mocked by the soldiers and the crowd,” is blessed
- and Jesus, “humiliated and outraged”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “who is our only king”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, "always merciful", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Rise to Calvary
- and Jesus, "three times fell under the weight of the cross and got up", is blessed
- and Jesus, “who carried his cross to Golgotha”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “with whom you suffer for our salvation”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “who teaches us to carry our cross”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of Death on the Cross
- and Jesus, “nailed and dead on the cross,” is blessed
- and Jesus, “who for each of us suffered a cruel and sorrowful death”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “whose side pierced by the spear caused the Blood and Water to gush forth for the remission of our faults”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “who shouts 'I thirst'”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Clausulae for the Recitation of the Glorious Mysteries
Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Resurrection of Christ
- and Jesus, "risen on the third day," is blessed
- and Jesus, “overcomer of evil and death”, is blessed
- and Jesus "who comes out gloriously from the tomb", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus "whose angels announce the resurrection", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clasping for the Mystery of Christ's Ascension
- and Jesus, “ascended into Heaven to prepare a place for us”, is blessed
- and Jesus, “sitting at the right hand of the Father,” is blessed
- and Jesus "who dwells with us forever", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus "who draws us to Heaven", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Pentecost Mystery
- and Jesus, “who sent the Holy Spirit upon his disciples,” is blessed
- and Jesus, “who gives us the Spirit of Light”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “who sends us to bring the Gospel to our brothers”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
- and Jesus, "who lifts you up body and soul in his glory", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “who gave us his mother”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, “who will resurrect us all at the end of time”, is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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Examples of Clausulae for the Mystery of the Coronation of Mary
- and Jesus, “who called you to Him and placed you at His right hand, crowning you with glory,” is blessed
- and Jesus, “who raises you above the angels and crowns you Queen of Heaven”, is blessed
- and Jesus, "who makes you the refuge of sinners", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
- and Jesus, "who makes you the mediator of all graces", is blessed (clausula of John Paul II)
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