What the Saints Think of the Rosary

Many saints leave us beautiful quotations on the rosary. They simply tell us about the benefits and graces received by meditating on the mysteries of the rosary. Their eyes can help us better discover this beautiful Marian prayer.  


The Perspective of the Popes

Many popes have written encyclicals or meditations on the rosary. Saint John Paul II completed the meditations by adding the luminous mysteries, he is even nicknamed the Pope of the Rosary.

The teaching of the pontiffs allows us to discover concretely the benefits of this Marian prayer. 

A weapon for peace

“It is the Rosary that will save the world.” Pius IX


“This is the instruction left by the Virgin also during various apparitions. I am thinking, in particular, of that of Fatima, which occurred 90 years ago. To the three shepherds Lucy, Jacinta and Francisco, presenting herself as “the Virgin of the rosary,” she insisted on praying the rosary every day, to obtain the end of the war." Benedict XVI

A heart-to-heart with Mary

“So love the rosary and recite it with piety every day; it is the will that I leave you so that it makes you remember me." Saint Pius X


“The very recitation of identical formulas, so many times repeated, far from making this prayer sterile and boring, has, on the contrary, the admirable virtue of instilling confidence in the one who prays and of doing gentle violence to the maternal Heart of Mary." - Pope Pius XII


“My favorite prayer, because it is wonderful in its simplicity and depth." Saint Paul VI


The Perspective of the Clergy Saints

Many clergy saints made Mary the center of their lives. Many of them always had the rosary in their hands. This prayer gave them strength and courage to continue their mission or to hold their place within their monastery.

The Virgin Mary is the pillar of our lives


“Hold on to the rosary as the climbing plant clings to the tree. Without Our Lady, we cannot stand!” Mother Teresa.


“The Rosary rises like incense at the foot of the Almighty's throne. Mary then sends it back like beneficial dew, which comes to regenerate hearts. There is no prayer more pleasing to God than the Rosary.” Saint Therese of the Child Jesus


A prayer to evangelize


“ Love your mother and make her love you. Always recite the rosary.” Padre Pio


The Perspective of the Lay Saints

The teaching that the lay saints offer us on the rosary may seem more tangible and more achievable because their way of life can be similar to ours. Like us, they had many commitments and the everyday to manage, but the prayer of the rosary was an integral part of their day. The graces that result from it are numerous.



“The rosary is like an abridged history of the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Mary.” Pauline Jaricot


“The rosary is the shortest ladder to ascend to heaven. After the Holy Eucharist, the holy rosary is the most powerful weapon for fighting the devil.” Carlo Acutis



Pray the rosary with Hozana and Rosario

On Hozana you can sign up for different prayer communities to pray the rosary with other praying people.

proposes to pray especially for peace in the world, an intention carried by the Pope very often. You can also participate in a community that offers you
You will thus discover the multitude of existing rosaries. This community will allow you to make

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Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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