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Blessed Carlo Acutis

Blessed Carlo Acutis

Biography of Carlo Acutis

Carlo Acutis was born in London on May 3rd, 1991. His Italian parents later moved to Milan, where Carlo spent most of her life. He was the only son of a non-practicing family. Carlo took his first communion at the age of 7, and from then on, he never missed the daily Mass and said that the Eucharist was his "highway to Heaven". He prayed in front of the tabernacle before and after the Eucharistic celebration, worshiping the Lord actually present in the Blessed Sacrament, he said: "to be always united with Jesus, that is my life's goal." The Blessed Virgin was his confidante, and he honored her with the daily recitation of the rosary. Carlo was very interested in the life of the saints. His favorites were Francis of Assisi, Anthony of Padua, Dominic Savio and the three shepherds of Fatima. To fully realize the will of God in our lives, Carlo said that our compass must be the word of God, which we must confront.

Carlo was a studious and diligent student. He was very good at everything related to the world of computers: programming computers, editing films, creating websites, writing and layout. He was considered by many to be a genius because of his rapidity in understanding without a university degree in computer science. The teenager put his knowledge to the service of the faith and made online presentations on religious themes, including an exhibition on the Eucharistic miracles in the world. Carlo traveled to deepen his faith. In 2005, he made his first pilgrimage to Lourdes and in 2006, he went to Fatima, where he would especially be marked by the meditation on the mysteries of the rosary.

Carlo Acutis was swept away in two weeks by sudden leukemia. He died on October 12th, 2006, at the age of fifteen and was buried in Assisi.

Declared Venerable in 2018, his beatification was celebrated on October 10, 2020, in Assisi by Cardinal Agostino Valini. In February 2020, Pope Francis recognized the authenticity of a miracle attributed to Carlo. It involved the inexplicable cure of a Brazilian child, suffering from a severe deformation of the pancreas. In 2010, after loved ones prayed to Carlo, the pancreas returned to normal on its own, without the potentially fatal surgery.

As part of the beatification procedure, the tomb of Carlo Acutis was opened in 2018 for the canonical recognition of the body. According to Nicola Gori, postulator of the cause, the body was found "incorrupt", which does not mean "intact".  In October 2020, during the celebration of the beatification, the tomb of Carlo Acutis was opened in order to expose his remains to the worship of the faithful.

Set as an example to young people for his evangelization on the Internet and nicknamed the "geek of Jesus", Carlo Acutis is proclaimed patron of Internet users.

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Words and quotations of Blessed Carlo Acutis

Here are some beautiful words left by Blessed Carlo Acutis. They reveal to us his very simple and fully effective spirituality.

  • Our goal must be infinity, not finite. The Infinite is our homeland. We have always been expected in Heaven.”
  • "All are born originals, but many die like photocopies,"
  • Happiness is having your eyes turned to God. Sadness is to have your eyes turned towards yourself. "
  • While he was dying and hospitalized, Carlo often repeated: "I offer all the sufferings that I must undergo to the Lord, for the Pope and for the Church, and to go directly to Paradise."
  • A few days before his death, Carlo said: "I am happy to die because I have lived my life without neglecting a single minute in things that do not please God."

Works by Carlo Acutis

During his short life, Carlo mobilized his abilities, his energy and his time in the service of the Lord. First in the field of computer science where he had an indisputable gift, he created four high-quality exhibitions, precise and detailed: “The Appearances of Our Lady”, “The Eucharistic Miracles”, “Paradise Purgatory Hell” and finally “Angels and Demons”. These four themes, particularly well-chosen, answer many questions that the world, far from faith, is asking today. These are themes that attract and challenge and allow for effective evangelization. The digital exhibitions of Carlo Acutis are available on this official website dedicated to him.

On the other hand, Carlo carried out charitable work with the poorest, using his pocket money to buy them basic necessities. He visited the elderly frequently.

Prayers to Blessed Carlo Acutis

Prayers for the Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis

O my Father,

You who have given us the ardent testimony of the young Blessed Carlo Acutis, who made the Eucharist the center of his life and the strength of his daily commitment so that others also love you more than anything, let him soon be raised among the saints of your Church.

Confirm my faith, nourish my hope, invigorate my charity, in the image of the young Carlo, who, growing imbued with these virtues, now lives with You.

Give me the grace I so badly need (...)

I entrust myself to you, my Father, to your sweet Son Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit; I entrust myself to the Virgin Mary, our so sweet Mother, and to the intercession of your blessed Carlo Acutis.

Pater, Ave, Gloria

Learn more about the life of young Carlo Acutis

  • Father Will Conquer's book: "Carlo Acutis, a geek in paradise".
  • Jean-Luc Moens' book: 'Carlo Acutis: The Passion of Heaven. ”
  • The film launched by NetforGod (Community of the Ninth Way): “Carlo Acutis, Missionary 2.0”.
  • The official website dedicated to Carlo Acutis, where one can find in particular all the digital exhibitions he has made.


Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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