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Saints Cyril and Methodius

Saints Cyril and Methodius

Saints Cyril and Methodius, originally from Thessaloniki, Greece, evangelized the Slavic peoples and invented an alphabet still in use today. Their devotion and fervour to spread the Good News make them examples of holiness to follow.They are celebrated on February 14 and are the co-patrons of Europe (alongside Saint Benedict).


Biography of Saints Cyril and Methodius

Methodius, born in 825 in Thessalonica, was joined two years later by Cyril (Constantine at that time). They were two of seven children, of whom Cyril was the youngest. At the death of their father, Leon, when Cyrille was only fourteen years old, the minister Theoktistos took them under his protection. Thus, Constantine received a brilliant education in Constantinople and was quickly renamed, “Constantine the Philosopher,” reputed to be one of the most learned men of the capital. The two inseparable brothers became civil servants. Methodius began his career in provincial administration and Constantine in diplomacy.

Methodius was the first to convert and join a monastery, that of Mount Olympus of Bithynia, in 856. Constantine joined him shortly after. Thus began their pharaonic work of developing the Glagolitic alphabet (the oldest Slavic alphabet) and a religious literature in the Slavic language.

In 860, the brothers were sent on a mission to the Khazars (people of the steppes located north of the Black Sea), who had converted to Judaism in the 9th century, in order to evangelize to them.  They managed to convert a large number during their trip.

Shortly after their return in 862-863, the missionaries were sent to Greater Moldova, at the request of Prince Rastislav, in order to contrast the German influence and convert the Slavic peoples. It was at this point that Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius became aware of the difficulty of evangelizing to people who did not speak Greek or Latin. Thus, the Glagolitic alphabet, better known as the Cyrillic alphabet, was born: 40 characters largely derived from medieval Greek cursive.

Their work was so colossal and revolutionary that the Pope called them to Rome and came to meet them in procession. 

Unfortunately, their travels and missions tired Constantine and weakened him. After fighting against disease, Constantine died on February 14, 869, under the name of Cyril. He had become a monk shortly before. Saint Methodius, who became a bishop, continued their mission of evangelization and instructed his disciples to translate the sacred texts and, in turn, become witnesses of the Good News all over the world. Methodius died in 885. 

Praying with Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius

Lord, awaken our courage! On this day when we celebrate the memory of two founders of Europe, Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius, free us from the mute demon! Open our lips that we offer you the only sacrifice that pleases you: the confession of the Name of your beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Give us the strength to resolutely drive away all false shame, not to want to hide anything, not to falsify the word of God. But on the contrary, to courageously manifest the truth by not proclaiming ourselves, but by proclaiming wherever you send us: 'Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Prayer of Saint Methodius

How can I, O Virgin Mother, O Virgin Mother, sing Your praises with a tongue worthy of You? O Daughter of David, Mother of my Lord and of my God, if my tongue is powerless to praise You worthily! The language of your fathers, the sacred books, will lend me their pious accents, their holy transports. O Blessed Rod of Jesse! The Lord is with you, for He has consecrated you to be His Tabernacle. It is through You, O Mary, that the Lord became Emmanuel, that is to say, God with us. What could be more sublime! What could be more wonderful! Yes, it was You who provided Him with this divine Body, in which I recognize, in which I adore my God. Mother and servant of God, greetings! Hello, O you, the only creature to whom the Lord wanted to owe something! He said: “Honor your father and your mother,” and this precept He observes towards the One who gave birth to Him, towards the One whom He crowned with glory in the highest. Who, O Mary, could praise You as much as You
 deserve? Amen.

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