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Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga

Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga

Saint Louis de Gonzaga (1568-1591) emerged from a noble Italian family. He entered the Jesuit order at the age of 19. A distinguished servant of the afflicted, he valiantly dedicated himself to the care of the sick. Succumbing to the illness, he perished from the plague at 23. Presently, the Church suggests annually commemorating Saint Louis de Gonzaga on June 21; he was posthumously declared the patron saint of youth. Let us therefore acquaint ourselves with him: let us explore his life, his influence, and the wisdom he still imparts today.

At the end of this article on Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga, we also invite you to discover other figures of holiness in the Guide to Saints on Hozana.

Biography of Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga

Coming from a noble lineage, Aloysius de Gonzaga was born on March 9, 1568 in Castiglione delle Stiviere, in the region of Lombardy, Italy. As a young page at the court of King Philip II of Spain, he came to the realization that the courtly life was unsatisfactory to him. Subsequently, he initiated fasting and at the tender age of 10, he vowed to refrain from offending God through sin. Aspiring to lead a more evangelical lifestyle, he solemnly uttered his vows in November 1587,at 19 years old, for the Society of Jesus, also recognized as the Jesuits. Similar toSaint John Eudes, a seventeenth-century French saint, Aloysius de Gonzaga devoted himself to the serviceof plague victims. In 1591, at the age of 23, the plague outbreak occurred in Rome. The Society of Jesus at the Roman College dedicated itself to caring for the sick. Despite his repugnance and fear of illness, Aloysius de Gonzaga selflessly carried a plague patient to the hospital. Consequently, he contracted the plague and passed away on June 21, 1591.

At the age of 23, Aloysius de Gonzaga died in Rome in 1591. He was beatified on 12 May 1604 by Pope Clement VIII, then canonized on 26 April 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga, patron saint of youth Aloysius de Gonzaga is the patron saint of youth: upon his canonization in 1726, he was declared by Pope Benedict XIII to be the protector of students. Another pope, Pius XI appointed him patron of Catholic youth in 1926. Finally, in 1991, Saint John Paul II granted him the patronage of AIDS patients.
 While on pilgrimage to Castiglione, the Pope said of Saint Louis:

 “I am here in this historic sanctuary to celebrate with you Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga, a young model of youth, lived a long time ago, but still very current, because devoted to values that never fade. He was a heroic apostle of charity. He separated himself from everything in order to embrace the All […], he did not disdain the world, on the contrary, he dedicated himself to God in order to love him more and better. May his example illuminate you.”

At the age of only 23, Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga had a reputation comparable to other saints who died young, like Saint Therese of Lisieux, or more recently, Carlo Acutis, to name a few.

As a model of youth, several schools today bear his name and live under his patronage.

What does Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga bring us today?

Giving our lives for those we love

By serving the plague victims, Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga put himself in danger. To follow Christ in like Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga is to serve by giving one's life for our brothers and sisters: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

The service of Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga reminds us of our royal duty: to serve others.

Holiness does not depend on the number of years

Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga had a life almost as short as Saint Therese of Lisieux, or more recently, Carlo Acutis, but his life was very fruitful, and he left an exceptional legacy.

As he died very early, he shows us that the fertility and holiness of a life do not depend on the number of years.


Pray with Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga

Prayer to be recited upon awakening, like Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga


“By Your Grace, Lord, it is through your benevolence that I still witness this day and many others. I must acknowledge that I have failed to offer the rightful glory to Your supreme majesty. Yet, please accept the deep reverence of my humbled spirit in Your presence and do not spurn the devotion of my heart, even though it presents to You only an imperfect love. Each day, my God, You instill in me the aspiration to serve You better, yet all the resolutions I form in the morning vanish instantly. Assist me in adopting a more effective one today. With unwavering confidence in Your divine grace, I declare that henceforth I shall commence, with a resolute intent to abide by all Your laws, to atone for my sins which I abhor with all my being, to shun all occasions of relapse, to be guided by Your spirit, and to exist solely for Your glory. To this end, I dedicate to You all the thoughts, words, and deeds of this day, all the sentiments of my heart, all the movements of my soul, all the tribulations that You may deem fit to bestow upon me. My heart stands ready, Lord, it is poised to heed Your commands; take me under Your divine shelter, I am Yours, forsake me not; shield me today from all wickedness and from a sudden and unforeseen demise; hallow my comportment so that my day does not pass in vain before You, so that it is not consumed by the distractions of the world, so that my musings do not stray towards malevolence, so that my speech is governed by love, so that my deeds are propelled by Your sanctified love, and so that this entire day is replete with meritorious acts for my salvation. Oh, beloved heart! May You be acknowledged, cherished, and exalted to the farthest reaches of the earth; shower with blessings and favors those who will love and extol You, particularly those who will fervently propagate devotion to Your Sacred Heart; grant them the fruition of their humble entreaties, and may their abode be in this sacred Sanctuary, for all eternity. Amen.”

To confide in the Virgin Mary with Saint Aloysius de Gonzaga

“O my sovereign, Holy Virgin Mary. I place myself under your heavenly protection, and your personal defense, trusting in your maternal mercy. I commend my body and soul to you, today, every day of my life and at the hour of my death. I entrust you with my eternal future, all my joys, anxieties and miseries of this world, my life and the end of my life. May all my intentions and actions, through your most holy intercession and your merits, be in accordance with your will and that of your Son. Amen.”


Recite this prayer before going to bed

“Open unto me, Lord, Your Sacred Heart, for it is the abode of my sanctuary; I desire to dwell there all the days of my life and to exhale my final breath. Oh, could my heart be so closely bound to that hallowed heart that I might avow that, whilst my corporeal form slumbers, my heart remains vigilant by virtue of its unity with Yours, which remains ever watchful! Therefore, keep watch in my stead, O my divine Master, until I find eternal repose in You. Amen.”


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