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Which saints to pray to for anxiety?

Which saints to pray to for anxiety?

Certain situations in life can cause fear, stress, anxiety, and even lead to depression.  Prayer is always a releif because the Lord wants to deliver us from these burdens. Some saints are known to intercede for specific situations. Today, pray with the saints who can calm you and deliver you from anxiety.

Also discover Psalm 131, known for delivering readers from fear, stress and anxiety, and the biblical verses that relieve anxiety.


Prayer to Saint Rita for Anxiety

Saint Rita de Cascia is the patron saint of lost causes. She went through many great trials during her life and today intercedes from Heaven for all those who entrust themselves to her with faith and trust. Here is the prayer to Saint Rita for those in distress:

Under the weight of pain, I turn to you, Saint Rita, so powerful before God, with the certainty of being heard. Free my poor heart from the anxieties that oppress it and bring peace to my overwhelmed mind. You who have been established by God as the advocate of desperate causes, obtain for me the grace that I ask for (express the favor that is desired). If my sins are an obstacle to the fulfillment of my prayers, obtain for me the grace of repentance and forgiveness in the sacrament of reconciliation. Do not allow me to shed tears of bitterness any longer. O Lord, reward my hope in you and I will make known everywhere the greatness of Your mercy towards the afflicted. O Rita, admirable spouse of the Crucified One who gave you one of the thorns from his crown, help me to live well and to die well. Amen.



Praying to Saint Teresa of Lisieux Against Anxiety

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux said that after her death, she would bring down a shower of roses, and indeed, the miracles obtained by her intercession have been innumerable. Saint Teresa intercedes effectively to ease anxieties. Here is a prayer to Saint Teresa to feel better:


O glorious Saint Teresa, Elevated by Almighty God to assist and counsel humanity, I implore your miraculous intercession. You are so powerful in obtaining from God favors and graces, That the holy Mother Church has named you the greatest Saint of modern times. With fervor, I beseech you to answer my request. (... specify your request ...), In addition to fulfilling your promises to be in Paradise to do good on Earth, and to shower from Heaven a rain of roses. Therefore, dear little flower, I will ensure that your calling is known everywhere, and I will not cease to lead people to Jesus through you. Amen! 


Discover more beautiful prayers to Saint Teresa of Lisieux with Hozana!

Which saint should you pray to when you have anxiety?

In order to be delivered from anxieties and all psychological burdens, the prayer to the guardian angel is of great help. This angel has received the mission from God to protect the soul entrusted to him from all evil throughout existence. The Church also recommends praying daily to Archangel Saint Michael, who defeats demons and overcomes Evil. He will deliver the soul from dark thoughts that do not come from God and end up suffocating it.

Praying to Saint Gregory the Great Against Anxiety

Against anxiety, or even sadness and bouts of melancholy, we can ask for the intercession of Saint Gregory the Great (540-604). Here is the powerful prayer to Saint Gregory:


"My God! My God! why have You forsaken me And are far from helping me My God I cry out by day and You do not answer I cry out by night and find no rest Yet You are the Holy One- In You our fathers trusted They trusted in You and You delivered them They cried out to You and were saved Do not be far from me when trouble is near When no one comes to my aid! Saint Gregory, it is with hope in my heart that I turn to you. I await everything from your intercession. Help me and obtain that I may be delivered from the words that afflict me."


Pray to Saint Dymphna of Gheel to alleviate anxiety

Against anxiety, we can also seek the intercession of Saint Dymphne of Gheel, considered the patron saint of individuals suffering from mental illnesses, and, by extension, of those who care for them.


O Lord our God, in your kindness, you have chosen Saint Dymphna as the patron saint of anxiety and mental illnesses. May she be a source of charity and consolation for those who implore her intercession. Lord, we implore you to listen to the prayers of Saint Dymphna. Grant to all those for whom we pray, the hope, patience, resignation, relief, and healing they seek. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen


Praying to Saint Claude Against Anxiety

Saint Claude (607-699) is also a saint to whom we can turn for intercession with God in times of doubt, particularly in cases of nervous depression.


O Lord, who are admirable in your Saints and who, not content with giving us in the person of Saint Claude a model of penitent life, deigned to make his tomb the scene of countless wonders, we beseech you to grant us through his intercession all the graces we need for the soul and for the body, and especially to heal the sick person whom we recommend to his charitable intercession. Teach us, following his example, to despise earthly things and to turn all our gaze towards Heaven where you reign for ever and ever. Amen.

Also discover other prayers against stress and anxiety.

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Thanks to Hozana, continue your prayer for freedom from stress, fear, and anxiety! Prayer communities will support you in your daily life and help you get through a difficult time and you can entrust your personal intentions to them.

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