Frequently Asked Questions about the Rosary

The rosary can raise a lot of questions in us, especially if it is a prayer that we do not know well. Knowing more about the prayer of the rosary will help us to appreciate it better and to be able to benefit from grace and to become apostles of the rosary in our own right.


How To Pray the Rosary

To pray the rosary, we can use a rosary, and have at hand a book of meditations so that we can pray each of the 5 mysteries. We can also replace this book with the Rosario app. If we wish, we can have a songbook to end with a song to the Virgin, for example.

If we pray the rosary with children, do not hesitate to have illustrations of each mystery and a rosary adapted to their age. 

How long does it take to recite the rosary?

The meditated rosary takes about twenty minutes per the day. If the meditations of each mystery are a little long, and we add a prayer intention, the recitation of the rosary can go up to 30 minutes.

How many different rosaries are there?

The Rosary was originally a Marian prayer. Over the years, other rosaries have come about, such as the one taught by Jesus to Saint Faustina or the rosary to Saint Michael the Archangel.

There are many others, and they are recited with different rosaries than those we are used to seeing.

When should we pray the Rosary?

We can pray the Rosary whenever we want. Some like to do it when going to work in the morning, others prefer to recite it in the evening. It all depends on our prayer habits.

What are the benefits of the rosary?

There are many spiritual benefits when we recite the rosary. What we can mainly remember is that this is a prayer that changes our hearts and calms us. It is also a prayer rich in grace for the sick.

What is the purpose of the rosary?

The object allows us to quietly count Hail Marys, and prayer in itself makes us discover Jesus and the Virgin Mary. As John Paul II once said, it is a “summary of the gospel.”

What are the mysteries of the rosary?

The Church offers us four sets of mysteries: joyful, luminous, sorrowful, and glorious. Each of these series is composed of five mysteries, since a rosary has five tens.

What is the difference between the Chaplet and the Rosary?

Originally, we only talked about the rosary. The rosary is a medieval prayer composed of 150 Hail Mary's.

After being approved by the Church, this prayer has undergone adjustments. Mysteries referring to the lives of Christ and the Virgin were added. A rosary today includes 50 Hail Marys and to say a rosary, you have to say 4 chaplets.

What is the meaning of the Rosary?

The rosary is a prayer that we usually address to the Virgin Mary. It has been repeated since the invention of this prayer that through the rosary, we offer a wreath of flowers to our Heavenly Mother. 

Is it good to sleep with a rosary?

We can sleep by putting a rosary under our pillow. Thus, the Virgin Mary protects us during our sleep. The rosary is not a talisman but, used with faith, it is a weapon against evil. 

Is it possible to use an unblessed rosary?

Of course, we can use a rosary that is not yet blessed. However, as soon as we can, do not hesitate to have it blessed by a priest at the end of Mass or when he visits. He will be happy to do so.

Pray the rosary with Hozana

You can find different prayer communities on Hozana, which allows you to discover and pray the rosary. 

For example, you can join


You can also

to learn more about the rosary.

If you also wish to discover another rosary, you can register for the novena to the Divine Mercy, which will allow you



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