4 Practical Tips for Reciting the Rosary

We may wish to pray the Rosary and yet find it difficult to put ourselves to it. Finding the time, finding the words and the flow of the recitation... So many constraints can overcome our desire and attack our motivation. But with some practical advice, these aspects that could hinder our prayer, instead become opportunities to better invest in the prayer of the rosary, this privileged moment with the Virgin Mary and Christ.

1- Help yourself with memory aids!

For our initial recitations, let us not hesitate to use a mnemonic device to remind us of the prayers and their order. Gradually, as we practice, we will memorize them, but initially, having a visual guide of the rosary or a step-by-step to read can be of great help. There are, of course, already some available online, which can be printed, but why not create one ourselves, based on these models, to start appropriating this prayer? Similarly, in the early stages, it can also be beneficial to have a mnemonic device for the different mysteries: a list of the different mysteries, which mysteries correspond to which days of the week...

2- Set a time of day

The rosary can be easily recited in many contexts: while in transit, walking down the street, sorting laundry, gardening... Throughout our days, we all have moments or tasks that leave our minds free and can therefore be opportunities to spend time with God. It is up to each individual to find the moment and manner that suits them. However, to assist us, it is beneficial to establish a habit. Identifying and defining this moment in advance, creating a routine, allows us to anchor this practice. It becomes an appointment that we can even, initially, note in our agenda to not forget it, as we would for a lunch with a friend.


3- Divide your rosary into several steps

The recitation of a complete rosary takes about 20 minutes. It may sometimes seem difficult to find this availability or simply appear a bit lengthy when one is not yet accustomed to it. But great journeys all begin with a small step! We can also simply pray a decade of the rosary, that is, 1 Our Father and 10 Hail Marys. It takes about 5 minutes. And if, little by little, we find 5 minutes several times a day, after 5 times, we will have recited an entire rosary! We can even divide the rosary among several people. This is the principle of the Living Rosary by Pauline Jaricot. A group of 5 people commit to recite a decade each day. Together, they recite a full rosary.


(Create or join a live rosary group by downloading the free Rosario app)

4- Keep your rosary close to you

It is not necessary to have a rosary to pray the rosary. The object is a help and a support for the recitation, but we can just as easily count the decades on our fingers. However, by keeping a rosary in our pocket or in our bag or by having a ten-bead rosary around the wrist - this can help us to think more about this prayer and to take advantage of a moment that presents itself to pray. The act of choosing a rosary that we like (or even making it!), of creating an intimacy with the object and a pleasure in having it with us is also a way to more easily enter into the prayer of the Rosary.


Pray the rosary easily with Hozana and Rosario

On Hozana, you can find different offerings online to accompany you in the prayer of the rosary, such as:

  • , prayed by a community
  • to encourage you in your practice

Rosario, the free application for praying the rosary developed by Hozana, gives help and advice to make this prayer your prayer.

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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