The pope is the guarantor of the Christian faith, and his mission is not easy. He needs the prayers of the faithful to carry out his work successfully. We can pray for the pope in different ways and the rosary is one of them. Popes have always recommended the meditation of the rosary, and Pope Francis is no exception. We can offer him this gift and the spiritual benefits will certainly be numerous.
“Please, remember to pray for me!” This is the sentence with which the Pope ends a good number of public speeches, such as the Sunday Angelus or various audiences. It is up to us to respond to his request by praying for him. As an old man, he takes care to guide us, so we can thank him for having him as our guide and also pray that the Holy Spirit will always assist him in his mission.
Before starting to pray, we can learn about the various trips or speeches by the Pope in order to entrust his latest missions to God during the rosary.
We can pray the rosary individually or as a group We can follow the steps and start by saying: "Virgin Mary, I come to entrust Pope Francis to you. Keep him under your protection so that he can lead all of God's people to the way to heaven. Thank you, Virgin Mary.” and thus entrust to her this intention of prayer: We can then continue with:
Then we can meditate on the mystery of the rosary related to the day of the week
We may wish to prioritize meditating on a series of mysteries related to this prayer intention. We may choose to meditate on the five joyful mysteries to give thanks with the pope for a successful journey. We may pray the sorrowful mysteries if the pope is suffering... It is up to us to decide what suits best. After each meditation on a mystery, we recite a decade of the rosary starting with an Our Father, then ten Hail Mary and finishing with a Glory Be.
“Lord, make our Pope Francis an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, that he puts love. Where there is offense, let him pardon. Where there is discord, that he puts the union. Where there is error, let him put the truth. Wherever there is doubt, let him put his faith. Where there is despair, may it bring hope. Where the darkness is, let it light up. Where there is sadness, let it bring joy. Come Holy Spirit. Come and pour out on him your gifts of piety, knowledge, strength, fear, advice, intelligence and Wisdom. Come with your countless gifts to always abide and radiate on our dear pastor, Pope Francis. Amen.”
(Prayer written by T. Fourchaud with the approval of Bishop Thierry Scherrer of Laval)
Hozana and Rosario allow you to continue praying for the pope on a daily basis. On Hozana, you can sign up for different prayer communities to
.We can
, especially during Wednesday audiences.And by downloading the Rosario app, you can join a public group and pray the rosary for the pope with others.