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Praying the Rosary for a Deceased Loved One

Praying the Rosary for a Deceased Loved One

In praying the rosary for our deceased, the spiritual benefits are numerous. Through our prayers and efforts, we can truly help them experience the joy of paradise. Praying for the deceased is powerful because in return, they can intercede for us. Let us not hesitate to recite the rosary for them, as it is also a way to honor their memory. 


How to deal with grief in prayer

Grief is a difficult ordeal, and it is sometimes difficult to pray because the pain is too sharp. Simply looking at a statue of the Virgin or a crucifix and saying in our own words the difficulties experienced in this trial is a prayer to which the Virgin will lend a particularly attentive ear. The reading of the psalms and certain passages of the Bible such as the resurrection of Lazarus are a source of consolation and hope because life continues in eternal life. 


The prayer of the rosary is also an important source of consolation, because we are in the company of the Blessed Virgin, and we pray especially for the deceased of our families.

The process of the rosary

We can start with a sign of the cross and start by taking the time to name precisely the people for whom we want to pray the rosary.

Then we can recite:

  • an I believe in God
  • an Our Father
  • three Hail Marys

Then we can meditate on the mystery of the rosary related to the day of the week

Facing the painful test of grieving, we can find more comfort by meditating on the painful mysteries. The Virgin Mary went through the different stages of her Son's passion. Through meditating on these mysteries, she will be able to console and comfort us. After each meditation of a mystery, we recite a decade of the rosary beginning with an Our Father, then ten Hail Mary and ending with a Glory be to the Father.


Entrust the deceased of our families to Our Lady of Montligeon

After the recitation of the rosary, we can continue our prayer by entrusting our deceased relatives to Our Lady of Montligeon. Mary intercedes with Christ for our dead. 


Our Lady, Liberator, Take pity on all our deceased brothers, especially those most in need of the Lord's mercy. Intercede for all those who have left us so that the work of love that purifies may be completed in them. May our prayer, united with that of the whole Church, obtain for them the joy that surpasses all desire and bring consolation and comfort here below to our troubled or disheartened brothers. Mother of the Church, help us, pilgrims of the earth, to live each day better our passage towards the resurrection. Heal us from all wounds of the heart and soul. Make us witnesses of the Invisible, already reaching towards the goods that the eye cannot see, apostles of hope like the watchers of dawn. Refuge of sinners and Queen of all saints, gather us all one day for the eternal Easter, in the communion of the Father with Jesus, the Son, in the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. We can conclude with this invocation and then make the sign of the cross: “Our Lady of Montligeon, pray for the souls in purgatory.”


When can I pray the Rosary for the deceased?

We can pray the rosary for our dead at different times. Received graces will be different. After the passing of a loved one or a family member, we can pray the rosary and thus allow ourselves to be consoled by the Virgin Mary following the passing. We are not alone in the trial we are going through, and it is also a gift that we offer to the deceased person. We pray for their soul as they have just met their Creator. When we go to the cemetery, it can also be an opportunity for prayer. If reciting the rosary may be a lengthy prayer at that time, we can only say a decade of our rosary.


Finally, the month of November is traditionally dedicated to praying for the deceased. We can take the time to entrust one person each day and recite the rosary for their soul and recite the prayer to Our Lady of Montligeon. By interceding for them, our deceased are grateful, and they will not fail to intercede for us.

Pray for the deceased on Hozana and Rosario

You can continue to pray for your deceased with Hozana by signing up for a


By downloading the Rosario application, you can pray the rosary for a deceased person and create a private rosary with a special intention that you can share with your loved ones.

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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