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Couples and Infertility: Finding Consolation in the Prayer of the Rosary

Couples and Infertility: Finding Consolation in the Prayer of the Rosary

Infertility is an ordeal that affects a significant number of couples each year. This desire for a child that is not fulfilled is a source of deep sadness accompanied by a feeling of jealousy towards other couples. The prayer of the rosary can bring many spiritual benefits. Indeed, through this Marian prayer, we can entrust everything to the Blessed Virgin, and she will take care of coming to console us and to appease us. 


Getting through infertility

Faced with this trial, the temptation to fall into despair is great. Clinging to prayer can be a valuable help among all the options suggested to support couples hoping for children. It is necessary to find the most suitable form of prayer for us.

The rosary is a Marian prayer that we can recite at any time with our spouse or alone. It is a prayer that brings many graces, such as that of consolation. During this rosary prayer, we can entrust all our suffering, all our tears to the Virgin Mary, and she will be able to intercede with her Son for us.

With Christ, meditate on the sorrowful mysteries

In the ordeal we need consolation, the peace of support. Christ doesn't abandon us. The sorrowful mysteries of the rosary can be meditated upon. The five sorrowful mysteries: the agony of Jesus, the whipping, the crowning of thorns, the bearing of the cross, and the crucifixion invite us to walk with Christ. He suffered his passion for us, and he joins us in the ordeal of infertility.

1st Sorrowful Mystery: the Pain of Jesus

“Then he withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:41-42)

Infertility is a trial that imposes itself on us and brings great suffering to our relationship and to each of us individually. With you, Jesus, we want to reaffirm: “not my will, but yours.” Help us to offer our suffering as you did. We turn to you with confidence for the future and come to console us through the intercession of the Virgin, whom we will pray to during this first decade.


2nd Sorrowful Mystery: the Whipping

“Pilate, wanting to satisfy the crowd, released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.” (Mark 15:15)


Jesus, you endured your passion in your body. We also suffer from not being able to conceive a much-desired child. This suffering is felt as an injustice. We want to offer our suffering. Help us to reconcile with our bodies and stay with us on this painful journey.


3rd Sorrowful Mystery: the Crown of Thorns

“They put a purple robe on him, then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on him.” (Mark 15:17)


The suffering only increases after the flogging, you are crowned with thorns. You live all this to save us. Come support us, Jesus, the trial we are going through (state your trial)... and me (name the couple's names) is very hard to bear. Support us when we want to sink into despair. This is the grace we ask of you in this decade of the rosary.

4th Sorrowful Mystery: Carrying the Cross

“And He Himself bore His cross, went out to the place called The Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha.” (John 19:17)


Jesus, you carried your cross to Calvary. The trial of barrenness is a heavy cross to bear. We know that we are not alone on this journey of the cross. We want to follow in your footsteps by learning patience in the trial. We also want to thank you for living with us. Your presence is a great comfort to us.

5th Sorrowful Mystery: the Crucifixion

“Then he said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” (John 19:27)


Before returning to the Father, you give us your mother. Thank you, Jesus, for giving us Mary. As a perfect and caring mother, we entrust our couple to her so that she may bless and protect it, so that we may be at peace and able to face this trial of infertility with faith and hope.

With Hozana, pray for couples hoping for children

On Hozana, you can sign up for different prayer communities for free. There are different proposals for couples wanting children.

St. Anne is often prayed for to obtain the much-desired child from heaven. This

. You can also participate in a journey of reflection and prayer. This community will invite you to

Saints Anne and Joachim are known to intercede for families. This community offers you

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