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The Divine Will

The Divine Will

It is to the Handmaid of God, Luisa Piccarreta (1865-1947), that Jesus chose to deliver the great revelation concerning the Divine Will. Through the writings of the Book of Heaven, Jesus comes to offer the world His Divine Will in order to remind creatures of the order, place, and purpose for which they were created. This unparalleled revelation constitutes the third Fiat in the history of humanity. Indeed, after Creation and Redemption, this 3rd Fiat must bring creatures back to the purpose for which God created them, living in His Divine Will. Prayer within the Divine Will is completely renewed.

What is the Divine Will?

As its name indicates, the Divine Will is the Will of God. It is through His Will that God gives life to all that exists. God's Will fills the entire universe, it governs everything, orders everything. All creation obeys and corresponds to the Divine Will. Only man, following the original sin, has cut himself off from the Will of God, he does not realize it and consequently does not live within it. With the revelations made to Luisa Piccarreta, contained in the 36 volumes of the Book of Heaven, Jesus wants to restore man to his Divine Will. At the dawn of the second millennium, Jesus comes to offer humanity the gift of life in His Divine Will, grace given first to Luisa herself and then to all unconditionally. It is enough to desire to live in the Divine Will to receive the grace. Gradually, the soul enters more fully into the Divine Will and benefits from the immeasurable blessings that flow from it.

How to live in the Divine Will? If, as Jesus said, it is enough to desire it to enter into the Divine Will, how to concretely achieve this? Several points are helpful to take one's first steps in the Divine Will. Learning to live in the Divine Will is done through the reading of the Book of Heaven. This work is essential for those who want to live in the Divine Will. Moreover, the Lord pours out His graces through this book. The small work The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will (revelations of the Holy Virgin to Luisa Piccarreta) is particularly suitable for embarking on the Divine Will. It is important to understand that living in the Divine Will involves an exchange of life with the Lord. Man entrusts his own will to Him, and Jesus, in turn, infuses His Divine Will into man. Living in the Divine Will means caring for the interests of Jesus and not one's own. It involves offering all daily acts and actions, no matter how trivial, for the salvation of souls and the coming of Christ's reign on Earth.


Quotes from the Book of Heaven on the Divine Will

  • Life in the Divine Will is the culmination of all the works of God. (Volume 14, September 11, 1922)

“The Fiat of Creation foresaw that man would fulfill My Will in all things. My Will was to be the creature's life, food, and crown. Since this has not happened, the work of Creation is not finished and I cannot rest in it, nor can it rest in me. She always keeps something for me to do and I yearn for her fulfillment and my rest. That is why I want and desire so much that the way of living in my Will be known.”


  • Life in the Divine Will, the most beautiful form of holiness. (Volume 12, November 20, 1917)

“Oh! This beauty of living in My Will pleases Me so much that, in the generations to come, I will make all other forms of holiness disappear, regardless of their apparent virtue, and I will make the holiness of living in My Will reappear, a holiness that will not be human but divine. This holiness will be so elevated that, like suns, it will eclipse the most beautiful stars that were the saints of past generations. That is why I want to cleanse the earth, for it is unworthy of these wonders of holiness.”


  • The gift of the Divine Will establishes in the soul the true life and the true presence of Jesus, even more than in the Eucharist. (Volume 16, November 05, 1923)


“I live in the Host, but it gives me nothing, no affection, no heartbeat, not even the smallest 'I love you!' It's as if I were dead in it. I remain alone without the slightest exchange, and therefore, my Love is almost impatient to come out, to break this ice, to descend into hearts to find in them the exchange that the Host does not know how to give me. But do you know where I find this true exchange? In the soul that lives in my Will.”

Praying with Hozana in the Divine Will

If you would like to take your first steps in the Divine Will and learn more, discover these prayer communities. With these retreats, teachings and prayer groups, let yourself be guided step by step.

  • For a month,
    to meditate on the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Adoration of the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. You may also read the Book of Heaven and the 24 Hours of the Passion by Luisa Piccarreta.
  • “Tell aching mankind to snuggle close to My merciful Heart and I will fill it with peace.” Let
    with the messages He gave to St. Faustina for the world.
  • This
    is to help us to live out the message of the Divine Mercy in our daily life and become the apostles of Divine Mercy.  

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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