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Prayer in the Divine Will

Prayer in the Divine Will

It was to Luisa Piccarreta (1865-1947) that Jesus entrusted the great revelation concerning the Divine Will. Luisa is the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, that is to say, the first to enter this kingdom. All men are invited to follow her to live in the Divine Will. In practical terms, this consists of giving all the space to Jesus, taking care only of the interests of the Lord, letting Him take care of ours.

Prayer was completely renewed in the Divine Will. While praying in the Divine Will, the individual invites Jesus to come pray within her. All the effects of prayer are multiplied infinitely since it is now the prayer of Christ.

How can we pray in the Divine Will?

Prayer in the Divine Will forms a new way of praying. Jesus teaches step by step to Luisa Piccarreta. In the Book of Heaven, Luisa entrusts her intimate relationship with Jesus and the teachings with which He enriches her. Upon reading this work, the reader also discovers and assimilates these rich teachings. Several essential points are necessary to pray in the Divine Will: It is crucial to want to merge into the Divine Will and to invite Jesus to pray within us. Praying in the Divine Will entails merging with Jesus and making His way of praying one's own. Prayer in the Divine Will seeks the glorification of the Father. Indeed, through His prayer, Jesus glorifies the Heavenly Father. Prayer in the Divine Will is entirely altruistic, purified from all selfishness and egocentrism. It is a prayer that defends Jesus' interests by interceding for the world's Salvation and the conversion of sinners. One can then pray through rounds, which are intercessory prayers for all categories of people by offering to them the merits of Christ. Prayer in the Divine Will is a prayer of reparation. One offers to the Father the sufferings and Passion of Christ so that they are continuously poured out upon the world, bringing forth a continual downpour of new graces for conversions and salvation.

Prayer Books to learn to pray in the Divine Will

There are several reference works designed to learn and help pray in the Divine Will. These books, based on the writings of Luisa Piccarreta and abounding inquotations from the Book of Heaven, are a great help to begin in the Divine Will. They offer a model to follow, to imitate, and to enrich. Here are several essential works:

  • Prayers in the Divine Will by John R. Brown.
  • I announce to you a great joy by Father Pablo Martin.
  • Luisa's prayer by Father Pablo Martin.
  • Getting started with Luisa Piccarreta: Living in the Divine Will of Marcel Laflamme.


Models of Prayer in the Divine Will

Morning Prayer to Enter the Divine Will

O Lord, at the beginning of this day, I place my will in yours, so that I may live all the actions of this day in your Divine Will. May its sun rise within me and may my actions be one with yours. May my decision not be clouded by my own will, my personal esteem, my carelessness, or negligence. Glory to you, Lord! Amen (Recite a Hail Mary). This prayer is taken from the booklet Living in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.


Daily Offering Prayer to the Divine Will

Dear Jesus, through the magnificence of your Divine Will, I offer you this prayer. Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I enter today into your Holy Will. Come and pray in my prayer, O Divine Will, in my name and in the name of all souls, for the love, honor, and glory of God our Father, and in reparation for all sins, and for the salvation of all souls. O Jesus, with profound sorrow, I embrace the holy wounds of your hands; may every movement of my hands today be a million acts of love for you. O Jesus, with profound sorrow, I embrace the holy wounds of your feet; may each of my steps today be a million acts of love for you. O Jesus, with profound sorrow, I embrace the holy wound of your Sacred Heart; may every beat of my heart today be a million acts of love for you. Amen 

Prayer of Infusion in the Divine Will

I am nothing! God is Everything! Father, I love You! O Divine Will, come to think through my mind, O Divine Will, come to flow through my blood, O Divine Will, come to see through my eyes, O Divine Will, come to listen through my ears, O Divine Will, come to speak through my voice, O Divine Will, come to breathe through my breath, O Divine Will, come to beat in my heart, O Divine Will, come to move through my actions, O Divine Will, come to suffer through my sufferings, so that my soul consumed and merged in You may be a living crucifix for the Glory of the Father. O Divine Will, come to pray within me and receive this prayer as my own. Add to it the prayers of all people, to give the Father the Glory that all creatures owe Him. O Divine Will, come to instill in me the faith of Most Holy Mary so that I may believe in You like she did, O Divine Will, come to instill in me the hope of Most Holy Mary so that I may hope in You like she did, O Divine Will, come to instill in me the charity of Most Holy Mary so that I may love You like she did, O Divine Will, come to pray and adore within me as Jesus did in His Divine humanity. Come, O Divine Will, You who know how to multiply our actions infinitely, offer in me the Holy Sacrifice of the Cross, as if everyone had been present. Come, distribute to all the fruits of this Divine Sacrifice to grant salvation to all. Amen!


Pray in the Divine Will through Hozana

  • . Offer this beautiful novena to the Lord, in the name of all creatures of all human generations.

  • This
    invites you to explore the Way of the Cross with Jesus.

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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