The Chaplet is a beautiful prayer form: it invites you to enter into profound meditation during your recitation. The Chaplet of the Holy Spirit can help you meditate on 10 mysteries about the influence of the Holy Spirit and Its presence in the Gospel and in your life. Invoke the Holy Spirit, and allow It to work within your heart to transform you!
You can use a regular rosary, the same one used to pray The Holy Rosary. But there exists another version of the Chaplet of the Holy Spirit which is prayed using a special rosary composed of one set of seven beads.
You begin the prayer with the signing of the cross, then say:
One ‘Apostles’ Creed’;
One ‘Our Father’;
Three ‘Glory Bes’
Each decade of the Rosary is associated with a mystery. Starting each decade:
You announce the mystery upon which you will meditate;
On the 10 small beads, you invoke the Holy Spirit by repeating:
“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.”
On the large bead, you say:
“Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.”
At the end of the Chaplet prayer, you can pray to the Lord with the following words:
“O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit instructs the hearts of the faithful, give us, by the same Holy spirit, a love and relish for what is right and just, and a constant enjoyment in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
The 10 mysteries of the Holy Spirit are divided into two groups of 5 mysteries, both of which make up an entire Chaplet prayer (a rosary of five decades allows you to meditate on 5 mysteries). You recite the two Chaplets successively, or, if you prefer, you can choose to pray one decade (and meditate on one mystery) a day.
The first group of mysteries:
Mary is possessed by the Holy Spirit through the Incarnation;
The Holy Spirit descends on Jesus during His baptism;
The Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the desert;
Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit;
The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost.
The second group of mysteries:
The Holy Spirit in the Holy Trinity
The Holy Spirit in the Lord Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary
The Holy Spirit in the Church
The Holy Spirit in every baptised person
Just like praying to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ, praying to the Holy Spirit is very important. The third person of the Holy Trinity can have a serious influence on your life, especially by way of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. You can pray to the Holy Spirit with the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Chaplet, or the novena to the Holy Spirit.
There are many other beautiful prayers to the Holy Spirit, such as the Litany of the Holy Spirit, and the traditional Veni Creator Spiritus, and Veni Sancte Spiritus.
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