The ‘Glory Be’ prayer, or ‘Glory Be to The Father’ (in Latin ‘Gloria Patri) is an important prayer or doxology of the Christian tradition, in which we praise the Holy Trinity. Gloria Patri is traditionally sung during the Liturgy of the Hours and used for prayers such as novenas.
Discover the lyrics of the Glory Be.
“Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit:
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be, world without end.
The Glory Be is part of the prayers recited during the Divine Office.
It is also recited when praying the Rosary: it concludes a decade, after saying one ‘Our Father’ and ten ‘Hail Marys’.
Along with The Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary, the Glory Be is also part of many novenas, such as the novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.
You can also say the prayer in its original Latin version!
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