Knock: Apparitions, Pilgrimage, Prayer

In 1879, the Virgin appeared in Knock, in the northwest of Ireland. Eighteen people saw the Holy Virgin along with Saint Joseph and the Apostle John for two hours. Although the Virgin remained silent, several physical healings occurred. Knock is one of the Marian apparitions recognized by the Catholic Church.

To learn more about this type of supernatural event that has existed in the Church since its beginnings, discover the guide to miracles and apparitions!

The Apparitions of Knock in Ireland

The Events of the Apparition

On August 21, 1879, in the town of Knock, Ireland, two women, Mary McLoughlin (45 years old) and Mary Byrne (29 years old), saw “bright images” on the facade of the parish church. They realized it was the Holy Virgin and rushed to gather others. Despite the pouring rain, 16 people joined them, all of whom saw the Holy Virgin for about two hours. The Virgin Mary stood 30-60 cm above the ground, of medium height, wearing a white robe and a golden crown. She was praying, with her hands and eyes raised to heaven. The Virgin was accompanied by angels, Saint Joseph, and Saint John the Evangelist, who appeared as a bishop, holding a book in his hands. The witnesses (aged 6 to 75) also saw an altar with a lamb on it, and behind the altar stood a cross. Although the rain was torrential during the two hours of the apparition, the witnesses were not wet. They recited the rosary and other prayers.

The apparition remained silent, and no message was given, but several miraculous healings occurred: for example, the instant healing of Delia, a young deaf girl. By 1880, over 600 healings had already been recorded.

In Knock, Heaven speaks through symbols. The Virgin Mary, absorbed in prayer, invites us to pray, to turn our gaze toward the Father and toward Heaven. Saint Joseph, with his humble and recollected attitude, invites us to follow his example. As for Saint John, the witnesses were struck by the strength emanating from him; he is the model of a strong Church that keeps us on the right path and shows us the way through the reading of Holy Scripture. Finally, the lamb, the altar, and the cross represent Jesus in the Eucharist, the heart of Christian life and the source from which Christians draw true Life and Salvation.

Recognition by the Church

In 1879, the Archbishop of the Diocese of Tuam opened an investigative commission. Fifteen witnesses of various ages were heard, and their handwritten testimonies were carefully preserved. The commission presented its positive conclusion a year later, and the Archbishop authorized pilgrimages. In 1936, a medical bureau was established to examine all the healings reported since the beginning. Additionally, a new investigative commission was opened, and the last two surviving witnesses were re-interviewed. Once again, the commission concluded positively.

In 1957, the Knock Shrine was affiliated with the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. In 1973, Pope Paul VI blessed the cornerstone of the new shrine. On September 30, 1979, for the centenary of the apparition, Pope John Paul II made a pilgrimage to Knock.

Pilgrimage to the Knock Shrine

From the first days after the apparition, pilgrims came to pray at the site. Many healings occurred, especially after touching the stone or mortar of the church wall. Pilgrims began taking pieces of the stone and anointing the sick with it. Water blessed on-site also became a source of miracles. Even today, pilgrims can touch the original stone and bring home holy water. In 1929, the local bishop, Bishop Gilmartin, participated in the devotions at Knock, which sparked numerous diocesan pilgrimages. John Paul II in 1979, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 1993, also made pilgrimages to Knock.

Today, the Marian Shrine of Knock is a major pilgrimage site known worldwide, visited by over one and a half million people each year.

Praying with Our Lady of Knock

Prayer to Our Lady of Knock

Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Heaven and of Ireland, on your hill, without a word, in a single apparition, you invite us to look toward the Most High and to pray to Him in your company, as you intercede before His throne.

We beg you to teach us to turn toward Heaven, especially in times of terrible persecution, famine, war, epidemics, and countless miseries.

Mary, comforter of the afflicted, comfort us, help us, reveal to us the heavenly city.

Immaculate Mary, Cause of our Hope, support the persecuted Church, continue to stand in solidarity with the afflicted.

Mary, Eucharistic woman, who came with Saint Joseph and Saint John to teach all the faithful the importance of prayer and the Mass, the supreme sacrifice, teach us the reverence that the faithful must show to the Lord in the Eucharist. Remind all that grace and hope come from your Son and from the perpetual sacrifice of the Mass. Speak to us of that sublime moment for the soul, especially when it is united to the Eucharistic sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Mary, Mother of Hope, I thank you for bringing your message of life to the wounded and discouraged by showing us the Lamb of Knock, who represents Our Lord Jesus giving Himself completely for our salvation, washing us of our sins.

Holy Mary, Queen of the Church on earth and Queen of the Church in Heaven.

Lead us on the path to holiness.


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Living the silent message of Knock also means reading Scripture, especially the texts of Saint John.

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