Akita: Apparitions, Messages, Prayers

The apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Akita (Japan) are among the rare Marian apparitions approved by the Catholic Church. Out of nearly 20,000 reported apparitions worldwide over centuries, only 17 have received Rome’s blessing. A 42-year-old nun was chosen by the Virgin to receive calls to conversion and urgent warnings for the world. The apparitions were accompanied by extraordinary supernatural signs, including 101 instances of tears and blood from a convent statue. Discover the history, messages, and prayers linked to Akita.

The Apparitions of Akita in Japan

On July 6, 1973, the Virgin Mary appeared to Agnes Sasagawa, a nun at the convent of the Servants of the Eucharist in Akita (Honshu Island). Two more apparitions followed on August 3 and October 13 of the same year.

Agnes Sasagawa Katusoko was born into a Buddhist family. As a young woman, she suffered severe health issues but was miraculously healed, leading her to request baptism. At 25, she fell ill again and lost her hearing permanently—her deafness was declared incurable. On June 12, just before the first apparition, Sister Agnes saw extraordinary rays emanating from the tabernacle and angelic beings adoring the Blessed Sacrament. She then received a stigmata on her left hand, followed by supernatural events: the convent statue wept tears and blood, and many healings occurred.

During the first apparition, the Virgin promised to heal her and asked her to offer her sufferings from deafness and the stigmata “for the sins of humanity.” Shortly after, Sister Agnes was partially healed. The third apparition occurred on October 13, 1973—exactly 56 years to the day after the last apparition at Fatima and the Miracle of the Sun. Akita thus marks a clear continuity with Fatima, both in dates and messages urging humanity to return to God to avoid severe chastisements.

Between 1973 and 1981, the Akita convent statue—originally from Amsterdam and depicting the Lady of All Nations—wept 101 times. These tears were witnessed by hundreds and tested as human blood and tears. It is significant that a statue from the Amsterdam apparitions (1945), where the Virgin warned of nuclear war, wept tears of blood in Japan—a nation tragically familiar with such devastation—to caution humanity against even greater calamities.

In 1982, Sister Agnes fully regained her hearing. In 1984, Bishop Ito of Niigata approved devotion to Our Lady of Akita. In 1988, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI), as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, officially recognized the apparitions and the 101 instances of weeping.

Akita and Fatima

The messages of Fatima (1917) and Akita (1973) were both delivered by the Virgin on October 13. Cardinal Ratzinger confirmed that these messages are essentially the same (Akita’s message and Fatima’s 3rd secret). He told Bishop Ito in 1988: “Your Eminence, you want to send an investigator to have the Church rule on the Apparitions. I do not need an investigator. This secret sometimes matches Fatima’s Secret word for word.”

The Messages of Akita

Akita’s messages warn of a terrible chastisement—a divine response to humanity’s grave sins, especially within the Church. During the three apparitions, Sister Agnes heard the Virgin’s voice clearly and received these messages.

First Apparition: July 6, 1973

The Virgin encouraged Sister Agnes to persevere in prayer, as described earlier.

Second Apparition: August 3, 1973

“My daughter, my novice, do you love the Lord? If so, listen to what I have to say, for it is very important. In this world, many grieve the Lord. I desire souls to console Him. To appease the Heavenly Father’s wrath, I await—with my Son Jesus—souls who atone through suffering and sacrifice for sinners and the ungrateful.

The Father is ready to unleash a chastisement to make His anger known to the world. My Son and I have intervened many times to appease Him. I have prevented calamities by offering Him the sufferings of the Son on the Cross, His Blood, and His Most Loving Soul, along with victim souls who console Him. Prayer, penance, sacrifice, and courageous renunciation can soothe God’s anger. I ask this of your community: live in poverty, sanctify yourselves, and pray in reparation for humanity’s ingratitude and offenses.”

Third Apparition: October 13, 1973

“As I told you, if humanity does not repent and amend, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment. It will surpass the Flood—unlike anything seen before. Fire will fall from Heaven, wiping out much of humanity, sparing neither good nor evil, priest nor faithful. Survivors will envy the dead. Your only weapons will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Pray the Rosary daily. With it, pray for the Pope, bishops, and priests.

The devil’s work will infiltrate the Church: Cardinals against Cardinals, bishops against bishops. Priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by peers. Churches and altars will be vandalized. The Church will be filled with compromisers, and the devil will push many priests and consecrated souls to abandon the Lord.

The devil will rage especially against souls consecrated to God. My sorrow comes from losing so many souls. If sins multiply in number and gravity, forgiveness will no longer be possible.

Speak boldly to your superior. He will encourage your community to pray and perform acts of reparation.”

Prayer to Our Lady of All Nations in Akita, Japan

“Let me pray Your prayer to Jesus fervently, in reparation for humanity’s sins:
‘O Jesus, truly present in the Eucharist, I unite my heart to Your Adorable Heart, perpetually sacrificed on altars worldwide in praise of the Father, imploring Your Kingdom’s coming. I offer my body and soul entirely. Accept this humble offering as You will, for God’s glory and souls’ salvation. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, pour Your Spirit upon Earth. Let the Holy Spirit dwell in all hearts, that they may be freed from corruption, calamities, and war.’

Holy Mother of Heaven, never let me be separated from Your Divine Son. Keep me always as Your own.

Help me love the Lord and pray the Rosary always—and often—for the Pope, bishops, and priests. Extend Your protection over consecrated souls, that none may be lost to the devil’s works.

Help me console the Lord, afflicted by so many. Let me join the ranks of victim souls who atone through suffering and poverty for sinners and the ungrateful. Let me soften the Heavenly Father’s wrath, that the great chastisement may be averted.

O Mary, may my love soothe Your deep and sorrowful wound.

Holy Mary, forgive us for causing You such grief. We beg pardon for our sins.

Protect us, help us! Amen.”

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