A miracle is an extraordinary and scientifically inexplicable event that occurs through divine power. Jesus Christ teaches us that miracles happen through faith, prayer, and fasting. The Church recognizes many miracles, but for each one, it conducts a rigorous investigation to determine exactly what happened, the circumstances, the consequences, etc. Marian apparitions are themselves miracles in their own right and are also subject to a special investigation before being officially recognized by the Catholic Church. Discover what a miracle is, which miracles are recognized by the Church, and what to think about
The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines a miracle as an extraordinary event that inspires awe and deviates from the usual course of nature. A miracle is not scientifically explainable; it is a manifestation of God's power, reminding us of His freedom to alter the natural order for a greater good, such as bringing souls back to faith in Him. The Bible recounts many miracles throughout history, referring to them as acts of power (Exodus 9:16), wonders (Romans 1:19-20), healings (John 9:1-41), and signs (John 3:2). The three and a half years of Jesus' public ministry were marked by stunning miracles. The Church officially recognizes a miracle after a thorough investigation, whether during the life or after the death of saints or at sites of apparitions.
An apparition occurs when a person who has died and entered Heaven appears to someone living on Earth. A soul that is not in a state of blessedness, meaning it has not yet reached heavenly bliss, does not appear. In short, the holiness of a person is necessary for God to allow them to come to Earth for a special purpose. Thus, the Virgin Mary has appeared thousands of times on Earth since her Assumption; these are Marian apparitions. Other saints have also appeared to people: Saint Joseph, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Anne, Saint Thérèse, Saint Padre Pio, and many others. However, souls in Purgatory are rarely permitted to appear clearly to the living, except in very rare cases allowed by the Lord. It is worth noting that only Jesus and Mary are currently in Heaven with their physical bodies. All other deceased souls await the resurrection of the body. When they appear, the Lord clothes them in their physical appearance so they can be seen, but it is not a real body made of matter.
The Church is extremely cautious when it comes to officially recognizing miraculous events. There is no global registry of reported miracles, but the Sanctuary of Lourdes provides a good estimate. Over the past 160 years, the sanctuary has recorded 7,200 unexplained healings, of which only 70 have been recognized by the Church. The criteria for recognition are precise. Cardinal Lambertini, the future Pope Benedict XIV (1740-1758), established the seven criteria still in use today:
Among the miracles recorded by the Church, miraculous healings are particularly well-known and radiant. Many other extraordinary phenomena occur through the intercession of saints, whether living or deceased, or even through other individuals when God permits.
Miraculous healings are extremely numerous across different eras and regions of the world. Many occur through the intercession of saints, and these signs often lead the Church to officially recognize their sanctity, as at least two miracles are required for canonization. Even today, some individuals have received from God the gift of healing through the invocation of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Pilgrimage sites and certain prayer and praise gatherings witness many astounding miracles!
Many extraordinary phenomena occur through divine intercession throughout history. The Bible is filled with accounts of astonishing miracles, and even today, the Catholic Church continually receives new reports of miracles to validate. These include miracles of multiplication (e.g., of food), sudden and unexpected conversions to the Christian faith, deliverance from demonic possession, Eucharistic miracles, mystical gifts such as bilocation, transverberation, inedia, the incorruptibility of bodies after death, and more.
Thousands of Marian apparitions have been reported worldwide and throughout history. However, the Church officially recognizes only 13! Why such a discrepancy? Simply because the Church is cautious and only makes a declaration after a thorough investigation. Its declaration is then considered trustworthy, and all Catholic faithful can rely on it. Here are the 13 apparitions the Church declares certain:
Some very famous apparitions are not officially recognized, but the cult and pilgrimages are authorized, as well as the publication of any messages from the Virgin.
While Jesus and Mary are the most frequent apparitions, several great saints have been sent to Earth at various times to fulfill a mission willed by God. Saint Joseph, the spouse of Mary, has appeared to a relatively large number of visionaries (notably in Cotignac), as has the Archangel Saint Michael. Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary, also appeared in Auray, Brittany. Additionally, some people have had the grace of seeing Saint Thérèse of Lisieux or Saint Padre Pio after their deaths.
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