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Celebrating Mary All Year Long

Celebrating Mary All Year Long

Marian devotion among Catholic and Orthodox Christians is particularly nourished by festivals in the name of the liturgical year that celebrate the Virgin Mary. In the Catholic Church, this can take the form of solemnities, feast days or memorials (discover the difference between these terms). All are privileged times to pray to the mother of Christ, and place ourselves under her protection. Discover the great Marian feasts as well as the months and days of the year dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

The Main Marian Feasts

Marian Solemnities

  • January 1:  Solemnity of Saint Mary, Mother of God
  • August 15: Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary (Catholic Church) or Dormition of Mary (Orthodox Church)
  • December 8: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

The Marian Feasts

Required Remembrances

  • Monday after Pentecost: Remembrance of “Mary, Mother of the Church”
  • August 22 : Remembrance of the Virgin Mary, Queen
  • September 15: Remembrance of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows
  • October 7: Remembrance of Our Lady of the Rosary
  • November 21: Remembrance of the Presentation of Mary to the Temple

Optional Remembrances

Optional remembrances include:

  • February 11: Optional remembrance of Our Lady of Lourdes
  • May 13: Optional remembrance of Our Lady of Fátima
  • July 16: Optional remembrance of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
  • August 5: Optional remembrance of the Dedication of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome
  • September 12: Optional remembrance of the Holy Name of Mary
  • December 10: Optional remembrance of Our Lady of Lorette 
  • December 12: Optional remembrance of Our Lady of Guadalupe

May: the Month of Mary

The month of May is traditionally dedicated to Mary. During this spring month, when life is fully manifested through nature and the beauty of creation is brilliant, we are invited to make prayers of intercession to the Virgin Mary. For centuries, the mother of Jesus has been associated with the beauty of flowers, especially roses.
We can especially pray to our Heavenly Mother, during the month of May, by including a Hail Mary, a Magnificat or a Salve Regina in our daily prayer or by participating in


October: Month of the Rosary

October is the month of the Rosary. It is an opportunity to resume your rosary and to pray this beautiful Marian prayer that invites us to meditate on 20 mysteries of the life of Christ through the eyes of Mary.

Saturday: Mary's Day

One day of the week is particularly dedicated to the Virgin Mary: Saturday. Saint Thomas Aquinas provides an explanation: "And as the resurrection of Christ was on a Sunday, it is on this day that we solemnize, like the Jews, the Sabbath, because of the first creation. (...) however we keep the Sabbath in honor of the glorious Virgin, for on that day of the death of Christ, her faith remained whole "
Let us invoke her on this day!

With Hozana, pray to the Virgin Mary throughout the year and prepare for the great Marian feasts!

Hozana offers preparatory novenas, online retreats and prayer communities on the occasion of the great Marian feasts - Preparatory novenas for

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Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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