The Virgin Mary is the greatest of all the saints, which is why there are many prayers to Her in Christian tradition. Churches and other places of worship were built in the places where She appeared.
In the mid-XIX century, Our Lady of Lourdes appeared 18 times to Bernadette Soubirous in the Massabielle grotto, South-West of France. During Her visit, She presented Herself as the Immaculate Conception, and She assured St. Bernadette that God is love.
A while after the Virgin Mary appeared in Lourdes, the city became a world-renowned place of pilgrimage, where many miracles and healings took place over the years.
Discover these prayers to Our Lady of Lourdes!
“Hail Mary, poor and humble Woman, Blessed by the Most High!
Virgin of hope, dawn of a new era, we join in your song of praise, to celebrate the Lord's mercy, to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom and the full liberation of humanity.
Hail Mary, lowly handmaid of the Lord, Glorious Mother of Christ!
Faithful Virgin, holy dwelling-place of the Word, teach us to persevere in listening to the Word, and to be docile to the voice of the Spirit, attentive to his promptings in the depths of our conscience and to his manifestations in the events of history.
Hail Mary, Woman of sorrows, Mother of the living!
Virgin spouse beneath the Cross, the new Eve, be our guide along the paths of the world.
Teach us to experience and to spread the love of Christ, to stand with you before the innumerable crosses on which your Son is still crucified.
Hail Mary, woman of faith, First of the disciples!
Virgin Mother of the Church, help us always to account for the hope that is in us, with trust in human goodness and the Father's love.
Teach us to build up the world beginning from within: in the depths of silence and prayer, in the joy of fraternal love, in the unique fruitfulness of the Cross.
Holy Mary, Mother of believers, Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
“O ever-Immaculate Virgin, you revealed Yourself to Bernadette in the hollow rock. You brought Your warmth and Your presence, light and beauty to the cold and dark. Bring us hope and faith in our obscure and hollow lives, bring it to this hollow world where Evil prevails!
Immaculate Conception, come help us sinners.
Grant us the courage to do penance, and the humility to convert. Teach us to pray for mankind. Show us the way to true life. Make us pilgrims, walking the road to Your Church. Whet our appetites for the Eucharist, the bread of life.
The Holy Spirit accomplished its wonders in You, O Holy Mother: in Its might it placed You next to the Father, in the glory of Your Son, alive forevermore. Look with kindness to the misery of our bodies and hearts. Shine for us, like a gentle light, at the time of our death.
Through Bernadette we pray to You, O Mary, with the simplicity of children. Like her, let us enter the spirit of the Beatitudes, so that we may know the glory of the Kingdom and exclaim with You: Magnificat!
Glory to You, Virgin Mary, joyous handmaid of the Lord, Mother of God, house to the Holy Spirit!
“Blessed are You, God our Father, for creating Virgin Mary with such beauty,
and for offering Her to us as a Mother as she stood by the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Blessed are You for calling us to see Blessed Mary in Your light and to drink from the source of Your Heart, like Bernadette.
O Mary, you know the misery and sins of our lives and of the world. Today we confide in You, totally and without reservation.
You let us be reborn everyday through the Might of the Holy Spirit, so we can live the life of Jesus Christ, serving our brothers and sisters.
O Mother, teach us to carry the life of the Lord. Open our hearts to God’s plan.
Discover the novena to Our Lady of Lourdes.
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