On October 2, the Church celebrates the Memorial of the Holy Guardian Angels. This feast on the liturgical calendar reminds us of their mission of fraternal presence at our side and encourages us to be more devoted to our heavenly companions!
Discover the meaning and celebration of the feast of the Holy Guardian Angels and the mission of the guardian angels by our side.
Spend every other day with your Guardian Angel to grow closer!
Spiritual creatures created by God, angels are “sent from God,” each being called to fulfill a very particular mission in God's project of salvation.
Thus, guardian angels have the duty to guide us and protect us throughout our earthly lives in order to protect us from sin and the accidents of life. Saint Basil the Great (330–379) said about the guardian angels: “From the beginning of existence to death, human life is surrounded by their guardianship and their intercession. Each believer has at his side an angel as protector and pastor to lead him to life."
Thus, guardian angels constantly carry us towards good, they remove us from temptations, strengthen us in our weakness, support us in our discouragements, and console us in our sorrows. They are a real bulwark against the devil and constantly intercede for us before God!
Today, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels on October 2. This date was chosen by Pope Clement X in 1670; it was previously celebrated at the same time as that of the three archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael on
.In remembering the holy guardian angels, the Church asks for “the benefit of the protection of the angels and the joy of living in their company forever”. With this feast, it reminds every believer of the devotion we must give them!
Though the existence of guardian angels is indeed a dogma of faith in the Catholic Church, devotion to guardian angels often finds little place in the lives of the faithful, and it is often relegated to the catechism taught to children.
However, it is good to remember that at baptism, “each Christian receives as a gift from God his own Guardian Angel, a silent presence that will accompany him and guide him throughout his life; he is a traveling companion, an exemplary figure, but also an elder brother.” (excerpt from the Vatican news site).
Thus, cultivating a real devotion to your guardian angel is a way to be guided daily to heaven by a real traveling companion! Pope Francis also recalled the importance of building a relationship with your guardian angel, since for us, it is “a daily door to transcendence.”
Saint Bernard summarized our duty to the guardian angels as follows: “What respect, what love, what confidence on our part do the angels not deserve? Respect for their presence, love because of their kindness, trust in their protection. We owe them much affection for their kindness and the favors we receive from their charity. We also owe them much docility in putting into practice the advice they give us.” (Sermon XI on the Psalms).
“Blessed are you, holy Angel, since in his love for me, God chose you to watch over my life, you who from the first moment of my existence, never abandoned me, who, day and night, assist me to turn away from evil, and help me to do good. I thank you, for what you have already done for me, and I ask you, to continue to protect me. Be my helper in my need, my consolation in my sorrows, my support in my discouragements, defend me against the enemies of my salvation, remove from me the opportunities to sin, obtain for me the grace to be faithful and docile. But above all, protect me at the hour of death, and do not leave me, before you have led me to my Lord. O my guardian angel, since in his love, the Lord has entrusted me to you, enlighten me, guide me, keep me and govern me. Amen.”
Discover other prayers to address to our guardian angels: novena, evening prayer, Padre Pio's prayer to his guardian angel...
Always by our side to protect us and guide us, guardian angels are real companions for life! But few live in intimacy with their guardian angel.
With Hozana, learn to walk spiritually with your guardian angel and to live under his protection: his invocation creates a bridge between heaven and you, it unites you to the Lord and allows you to receive grace!
Join these beautiful communities of prayer to get in touch with your guardian angel: