St. Anthony Prayer for Lost Love

St. Anthony of Padua is the “saint of miracles”: Christians around the world have been dedicating their prayers to him for centuries. He is also considered as the protector of lovers, which is why you can address to him your prayers to find a soulmate

Finally, the Franciscan saint is the patron saint of lost things: losing love, separations, divorce, or struggling relationships - in such difficult situations, it is always good to turn to St. Anthony. Pray fervently for his intercession, ask him to guide you towards the path of acceptance and reconciliation (with yourself as well as with others).

Prayer to St. Anthony for Lost Love

“Oh St. Anthony, protector of lovers; all your life you heard the cries of sorrow of those who suffer: behold, I present to you know my own pain. 

You help those who have recourse to your guidance to find lost things. St. Anthony, I lost the tenderness and love of someone who I hold dear to my heart. Please, guide me back to them, if it is compatible with God’s Holy Will. 

I implore you, intercede on my behalf to The Merciful Father, pray that He may grant me the grace of reconciliation with my loved one, the strength to listen, to recognize our faults, and to forgive one another. 

May the sincere love, respect and attention that we once shared each other bloom again, in the image of the love that Christ taught us. 

But above all, grant me, I pray you, the strength to accomplish God’s Will, peacefully and serenely. If it is not His plan to unite us again, grant me the grace to accept it and maintain my trust in the Lord. May my faith stay strong throughout my journey on this earth, as God’s plan for me unravels before my feet. 

St. Anthony, pray for me.


Other Prayers to St. Anthony for Love

St. Anthony of Padua loves and protects lovers. There are many prayers to this miracle-worker of the X century, with which you can entrust to him your expectations and hopes concerning love. 

St. Anthony brings your prayers to Christ, and helps you open your heart to others. Have faith in his powerful intercession, with:

Pray to the Saints with Hozana

Hozana is a social network designed to help you grow your faith every day by joining hundreds of prayer communities. Join Christians around the world in praying to the saints: discover the virtues of Joseph, the Foster-Father of Jesus, and apply them to your life. Say a novena for the protection of St. Michael Archangel. Discover the power of prayer through the spirituality of St. Ignatius. Finally, entrust your troubles to St. Jude, the patron saint of hopeless causes. 

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