Prayers to St. Anthony of Padua to obtain Graces

“Ask and you will receive” (Matthew 7:7).  Our Father who loves us cannot refuse anything to the person who trusts in him.  Prayer opens our hearts to receive the graces that we need: health, hope, the joy of life together with another, the comfort of a united family.  St. Anthony of Padua, through the Lord Jesus Christ, obtained many miracles in his life and after his death.  As so many Christians through the centuries, let us entrust our requests to him so that he may whisper them into the ear of God.

Two Prayers to St. Anthony to obtain Graces

Prayer to St. Anthony for personal grace.  

“Saint Anthony, you whom we never invoke in vain, I turn to you for you to obtain on my behalf the graces which I greatly need, and particularly what is on my heart: (state your personal intention).

You have always been my faithful protector.  Please take on my request, so that thanks to your intercession, the Lord may grant it, if that is his will.  May the Lord increase my faith and keep my heart open and merciful!  Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.”

Prayer to St. Anthony to ask for the grace of healing.

“Dear Saint Anthony, you who always bless those who have recourse to you with confidence, I pray to you with fervor for a sick person who is dear to me. I beg you to obtain for them the gift of healing, or at least that their sufferings may be relieved and that they may have the strength to offer them to God in union with the passion of Christ.  You who in your earthly life was the friend of the sick and who devoted yourself to them through charity and the gift of miracles, stay by us to protect us, to give comfort to our heart and ensure that our physical and moral sufferings may become sources of merits for eternal life.  Amen.”  

What graces should we ask for in our Prayers to St. Anthony?

We can ask for the intercession and help of the miracles saint in any trial that we might be crossing.  However, this Franciscan saint is particularly sought out for certain matters:

  • Traditionally, Christians call on Saint Anthony to help them find something lost.  If we lose sight of Christ, if we feel lost in our life, let us ask Saint Anthony for his help to find faith, hope and charity.  
  • Saint Anthony is the protector of people in love.  The people who suffer from their celibacy can put their heart into his hands for him to guide them towards love.
  • This portuguese saint is also often prayed to for families.  We can also ask him for the grace to bless and protect our family.

With Hozana, pray the Saints to obtain graces

Discover other saints to pray to be filled with grace!

  • Pray to Saint Rita, who carries in her heart your requests, even in desperate situations with this community
  • Discover the grace to live for today with St Therese of Lisieux  
  • Make your week a path to God through St Padre Pio with this community:
  • Are you looking for a catholic prayer to bring back lost love? Try our prayer to Saint Anthony!

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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