13 Tuesdays Novena to St. Anthony

This Franciscan saint from the 13th century is known for his many miracles as well as for his capacity to obtain God’s Divine Grace for us. There are many ways to pray to St Anthony but one particularly powerful prayer is the 13 Tuesdays Novena to St. Anthony.

13 Tuesdays of prayer to St. Anthony

We start the novena with the sign of the cross and the following prayer :

“Almighty God, you have given St. Anthony to your people as an outstanding preacher and a ready helper in time of need. With his assistance may I follow the Gospel of Christ and know the help of your grace in every difficulty. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen”

We end each one with the Our Father, a Hail Mary and finally the Glory Be.

1st Tuesday, prayer for faith: “Saint Anthony, sanctuary of celestial wisdom, grant that my faith be firm, active and unwavering.”

2nd Tuesday, prayer for hope: “Saint Anthony, guide to travelers, grant that I continuously remember heaven’s rewards so that my steps always follow the virtuous path.”

3rd Tuesday, prayer for charity: “Saint Anthony, saint of Charity, grant that I never say or do anything to sadden those around me.”

4th Tuesday, prayer for the love of Jesus: “Saint Anthony, friend to Jesus and Mary, grant that I take time to prepare myself for communion and prove my love for the Divine Savior through an edifying Christian life.”

5th Tuesday, prayer for caution: “Saint Anthony, you showed your religious community in Brive that we should beware of Hell even when we are doing good deeds, grant that I am able to perceive what God wants of me and what I need to do for the good of my soul.”

6th Tuesday, prayer for justice:Saint Anthony, great defender of justice, grant that I always practice the magnificent virtue of justice towards God, my entourage and myself.”

7th Tuesday, prayer for patience: “Saint Anthony, patient and kind, the reflection of our savior Jesus, grant me patience and abandonnement during the trials and tribulations, whether small or large, that God deems appropriate for me.”

8th Tuesday, prayer for penance: “Saint Anthony, great saint, friend of penance, grant that I am successful in my abstinence and in my fasting imposed by the Church.”

9th Tuesday, prayer for humility: “Saint Anthony, grant that I learn to know myself so that I am able to credit God for all that is good in me.”

10th Tuesday, prayer for purity: “Saint Anthony, great saint of celestial purity, defender of the innocent, grant that I am able to maintain my body and my soul in perfect purity.”

11th Tuesday, prayer for obedience: “Saint Anthony, great saint, mirror of obedience, grant that I see God in those to whom I owe obedience and that I always choose to obey for the love of God.”

12th Tuesday, prayer for poverty: “Saint Anthony, great saint, pearl of poverty, grant that I seek fortune and earthly possessions only when useful and necessary for my soul.”

13th Tuesday, prayer of the Spirit:Saint Anthony, great saint, always united with God, grant that I never lose sight of God’s presence in the midst of my occupations. Help me offer my work and my prayers to God and help me to do so out of love for Him.”

For thirteen weeks, we will follow in the footsteps of St. Anthony and experience the virtues so dear to this franciscan monk: humility, poverty, obedience… We follow in his footsteps to join he who traveled so much in order to encounter and help those around him.

Why and How to Pray the 13 Tuesdays

Saint Anthony died on June 13th, 1231 and was buried 4 days later on a Tuesday in Padova, Italy. A tradition was then established of coming to pray over his tomb on Tuesdays. The 13 Tuesdays is in reference to the date of his death, June 13th. However, there are also novenas that last 9 weeks or even 9 or 13 days.
Ideally, the prayer to St. Anthony, every Tuesday, would include the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) as well as the Sacrament of the Eucharist (communion). He who spent hours listening to confessions, is particularly receptive to repentant hearts, wide open to the love and mercy of God.

Other prayers to St. Anthony

Representations of St. Anthony can be found in churches all around the world. He is often depicted holding Baby Jesus in his arms. It is with the same tenderness that St. Anthony receives our requests and presents them to our Lord. Be confident in confiding in him your needs, your hopes and your desires. St. Anthony is particularly appreciative if the prayers are recited during thirteen days (the Tredicina or Thirteen-Day Novena), or even thirteen Tuesdays :

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