Among the many healing prayers for the sick, there exist many specific prayers to support people suffering from cancer. In such situations, you can generally address your prayers to St. Peregrine, a great Italian saint of the XIIIe century, who himself suffered from a cancerous tumor in the leg and was miraculously healed by Jesus. He became the patron saint for persons suffering from cancer and incurable diseases. Read on to discover a prayer and novena proposition to entrust yourself and your sick loved ones to the saint.
“O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty", "The Wonder Worker" because of the numerous miracles which you obtained from God for those who have turned to you in their need. For so many years, you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being. You turned to God when the power of human beings could do no more, and you were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from His cross to heal your affliction. I now ask God to heal these sick persons whom I entrust to you: (…)
Aided by your powerful intercession, I shall sing with Mary a hymn of gratitude to God for His great goodness and mercy.
The novena to St. Peregrine is a spiritual program repeated for nine successive days. Each day, you will recite the same prayers.
A prayer to Christ: “O God, who gave to St. Peregrine an Angel for his companion the Mother Of God for his Teacher, and Jesus as the Physician of his malady, grant we beseech You through his merits that we may on earth intensely love our Holy Angel the blessed VirginMary,and our Savior, and in Him bless them forever. Grant that we may receive the favor which we now petition.l We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.”
The prayer to St. Peregrine.
One ‘Our Father’, one ‘Hail Mary’, and one ‘Glory Be’.
Discover the many prayer communities on Hozana to help you ask for the divine intervention of Christ for a sick person.
, and pray for the healing of a person suffering from cancer for nine days. Ask for miraculous healing by praying to a novena to , and join a spiritual program to .