A Family Morning Prayer

“A family that prayers together stays together”Family morning prayer puts God first in the family and invites Jesus into everyone’s heart and soul so that He can accompany each member all day long. Here is a wonderful morning prayer, that can be understood and gestured by the younger ones, allowing everyone to feel the presence of God within their entire body.

A Gestured Family Morning Prayer  

“Lord Jesus Christ, for the next 24 hours I open myself up entirely to you (open your hands in front of your heart).

Come into my body, my soul, my heart, my senses, my memory, my intelligence, my joys and my sorrows. Lord Jesus, I welcome your miraculous presence in all that I am including my pains and weaknesses, my worries and problems (open your hands with your palms turned upwards).

Lord I know that You have an infinite love for me and that I am Your beloved child despite my imperfections ( with outstretched arms draw a big circle in the air).

As this day begins, I accept Your unconditional love for me. You are entirely free to love me and I thank you in advance for whatever may happen to me today. As Saint Paul said, “It is not I that lives, but You Jesus that lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20) ( Press your right hand 3 times on your heart).

Lord Jesus, You are now part of me for the next 24 hours. You are going to live everything that I will live. We are in this together and I am so happy to know that you are part of me.”

Pierre Lacroix

Advice for Family Morning Prayer

Praying together as a family is indispensable for your children to understand the importance of putting God first in their lives. Of course, children are free to choose to believe in Jesus Christ. However, family prayer time is nonetheless a privileged moment for an intimate encounter to take place with Jesus. If a child learns from little to begin their day with prayer, they have a better chance of continuing when they become an adult.

Here is some advice to help you with your family morning prayer:

  • Create a beautiful prayer corner to help each one gather their thoughts.
  • Decide on a fixed family prayer time so that everyone will know when it starts and finishes.
  • Choose content that is short but nourishing and adaptable to everyone’s needs. For example, a bible passage, a meditation, a song, or a prayer known by heart.
  • Try to pray with your body by sometimes kneeling, joining hands or gesturing.
  • Be spontaneous when giving thanks, asking for forgiveness or confiding an intention.

Hozana can help your family Morning Prayer!

Hozana can help you and your family discover the joy of praying together, grow  spiritually and be consistent in spending time with Jesus daily. On Hozana, you have access to hundreds of immensely rich Catholic and Christian spiritual propositions, some of which are entirely dedicated to family prayer. Hozana's communities are accessible to everyone. Discover right now our online prayer communities for families!

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