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Padre Pio and the Virgin Mary

Padre Pio and the Virgin Mary

Padre Pio, Son of Mary

The holy Capuchin had recourse to the Virgin Mary throughout his life. It is known that he had apparitions of Jesus and his guardian angel from early childhood. It is quite likely that he came into contact with the Virgin Mary in the same way, although he never said so explicitly.

Above the door of Padre Pio's room in San Giovanni Rotondo was the inscription: “Mary is the reason for all my hope”.

Padre Pio confided that he constantly had the presence of the Blessed Virgin with him. She was his support in the recurring and fierce battles against demons. When he was exhausted by these violent attacks, Padre Pio always said, grateful, “Hail Mary”.

During Holy Mass, the Blessed Virgin did not fail to support her devoted son, who in fact relived Jesus' passion during each Eucharist and the Virgin remained at his side.

Padre Pio was particularly attached to his Mother, the Blessed Virgin, during the persecutions suffered by the clergy, which gave her so much suffering. His greatest sorrow was that he could no longer deliver the sacraments to the faithful.

Padre Pio and the “Living Rosary”

Padre Pio remained constantly attached to his Mother through the rosary. This “invisible thread” connects our hearts to that of Mary.

The prayer of the rosary was at the heart of his relationship with Heaven. During one of her mystical experiences, the Blessed Virgin revealed to Padre Pio: “With this weapon, you will win.” In fact, he constantly recited the rosary and encouraged all his spiritual sons to do the same by saying to them: “Recite the Rosary and recite it all the time and as much as you can” and again, “imitate your Mother and make her love. Always recite the Rosary. ”

Padre Pio himself was healed by the Virgin of Fatima, whose statue had traveled through many Italian cities, and he testified that “all graces pass through her hands”.

The Saint of San Giovanni Rotondo often repeated: “I wish I had a voice strong enough to tell all sinners in the world to love Mary. It is the ocean that must be crossed to reach Jesus.”

The holy Capuchin died with the rosary in his hand as the last witness left for all of the infinite power of the rosary and the prayer of the rosary. Until his last breath, he repeated the sweet names of Jesus and Mary, his only two loves.

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