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Quotes from Padre Pio

Quotes from Padre Pio

Padre Pio led a life of great holiness. He was in a continuous relationship with Heaven through prayer, the sacraments and mystical unions with Christ. His advice is therefore inspired by Jesus and is of great value to those who want to walk towards Christ.

Padre Pio is known for having many spiritual sons and daughters. He took them under his wing and guided them on the path to holiness. The Capuchin father corresponded a lot with his spiritual sons by letters. It is these precious letters that continue to echo Padre Pio's words for the world today. See also Padre Pio today.

Here are some of Padre Pio's tips and recommendations on various topics.

A call to holiness


Padre Pio echoes the word of Christ, “Be perfect therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48).

We must be careful not to make any mistakes, small or large, because everything is serious for the Divine Heart which loves us infinitely. Let us remember this at all times and let us not try to put our mistakes on the pharmacist's scale.

Always be faithful to God in keeping the promises you have made to Him; do not worry about the ridicule of fools. Know that the Saints have always mocked the world and its people, and have trampled the world and its maxims under their feet. 

The importance of prayer

Padre Pio was a man of prayer. He prayed without ceasing, constantly recited the rosary, and lived in unceasing union with Jesus and the Virgin Mary. This life of prayer was the life of his soul, it was the source where the stigmatized father drew the strength to continue his mission. He invites us to follow Him and more particularly to follow Jesus on this path.

He who does not meditate, does like he who never looks in the mirror and does not worry about going out in order, yet could have gotten dirty without knowing it.

He who meditates, addresses his thoughts to God, who is the mirror of his soul. He tries to recognize his faults, seeks to correct them, slows down his impulses and puts his consciousness in order.”

The sacred gift of prayer is in the right hand of the Savior, and as you are emptied of yourself, that is, of the love of your body and your will, and as you exercise in holy humility, the Lord will communicate it to your heart.

Carrying your cross with Jesus

Padre Pio teaches us to go through trials like Christ and the Virgin Mary, by totally deferring to the Father with resignation and patience.

When you feel the weight of the Cross weighing more heavily on your shoulders, ask God to comfort you. By doing so, you will not go against the Will of God, but you will imitate Christ who, in the Garden of Olives, asked his Father for relief.

If He does not like to listen to you, resign yourself and pronounce your Fiat like Jesus would: May your will be done!

You should, preferably, humble yourself before God, rather than discourage yourself if He reserves for you the sufferings of His Son and if He wants you to experience your weakness. You must lift up to Him the prayer of resignation and hope; even when you fall by fragility, and thank Him for the goods with which He fills you.

The saint of San Giovanni Rotondo, through his words, gave great comfort to those who turned to him.

The longer the trial to which God subjects His chosen, the greater is His Goodness to comfort them during oppression and to exalt them, after the struggle.

The Angels envy us only for one thing: to have the possibility of suffering for God. There is only pain that allows a soul to say with certainty: “My God, you see that I love You.”

Demon Attacks

Padre Pio had the terrible experience of fighting against Satan and demons since childhood; he suffered attacks and had to face evil. He always did so by totally trusting Jesus, his Blessed Mother, and with the help of his guardian angel. The Capuchin father therefore has much to teach us about how to conduct these struggles and to overcome throughout life.

The devil is like a rabid dog tied to a chain; beyond the chain, he cannot catch anyone. Stay away from him. If you get too close, you'll get caught. Remember that the devil has only one door to enter our internality: our will. There are no hidden doors, no secret doors.

Do not be afraid: Jesus is more powerful than Hell, and when His name is invoked, all knees bend in Heaven, on Earth, and in Hell. Jesus is the consolation of the good and the terror of the ungodly.

Temptations, sorrows, worries are merchandise offered by the enemy. Remember, if the devil makes any noise, it's because he's still out there and not in there yet. What must be frightening is that he is at peace and in agreement with the human soul.

Infinite Trust in Jesus

 Holiness rhymes with trust and Padre Pio as many saints before him reminds us of the power of perfect trust in God, in his goodness, in his mercy. Trust is the key that opens the heart of God.

The more we make ourselves smaller, the more we open the Heart and the Arms of God through trust.

Put your trust in Divine Providence often and be sure that Heaven and earth will pass faster than the Lord to protect you.

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