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The Prophecies of Marthe Robin

The Prophecies of Marthe Robin

Did Marthe Robin make any prophecies about France?

On the Future of France

In reality, while many things circulate on the Internet, the testimonies and documents relating to Marthe's life do not attribute a prophecy about France to Marthe Robin. Marthe Robin frequently spoke about the political and social situation in her country, but always said that she did not know the future. It is therefore important to place her words in context and to take them as a whole, not by focusing solely on words of so-called “prophecies.”

Whenever Marthe spoke of France, her words always expressed the same idea. What emerges from her conversations is the following sequence: first, France will sink or fall into darkness, then it will rise from it, and finally it will again become the “Elder Daughter of the Church.”

Regarding the “New Pentecost of Love”

A question often asked is when these events will take place. Marthe Robin herself was able to ask herself this question with regard to the “New Pentecost of Love” announced by Jesus, which she believed to be very close. She eventually understood that it would arrive gradually, discreetly, and would only be visible in a distant time.

Jean Guitton, a Parisian intellectual very close to Marthe Robin, tells us her words in his book “Portrait of Marthe Robin”. He says: “I remember asking her one last question: “Martha, you speak of a Pentecost of love. How do you imagine this Pentecost of love?” ».

Marthe's response: “Oh, not at all in an extraordinary form. I see it as peaceful, as slow. I think it will be done little by little, little by little. I even think it's already started. As for the future, you know that I have a lot of ideas about the future. I know nothing, except one thing: that the future is Jesus.

Jean Guitton wrote this in 1958: “On the future, where we try to question her, we see that she does not seek to predict, she places herself in a kind of divine perspective.”

Marthe Robin’s Prayer for France

A call to pray for France

Marthe Robin is one of the most prolific people who called for prayer for France. In the line of Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus and Marcel Van, she reminds us of the current importance of praying for this nation. While for a century, the tradition of praying for France had been lost, there is now a new momentum of prayer and even of fasting for France. Marthe Robin was a pioneer in this regard, having understood the vital importance of consecrating France to the Lord long before this spiritual awakening. Her words are as follows: “O Father, O my God, deliver, save your France now; prepare the hearts of his children for the mission they will have to accomplish for her, for all other nations, for the whole Church.”

Today, it is gratifying to see the many prayer initiatives for France that are taking place everywhere. They often come from groups of lay people who seek to put the Lord's requests into practice. These requests, entrusted to the great saints of the past century and repeated in various places of Marian apparitions, are today heard and put into practice.

Marthe Robin’s Prayer for France

O Father, O my God, deliver, save now your France;

prepare the hearts of her children for the mission that they will have to accomplish for her, for all other nations, for the whole Church.


O Father, O my God, may the hearts of all your elect now flinch at your call, recognizing your voice and your commandment, your invitation to act;

lead them, O my God, each in his place and each to his mission and impose on them yourself, whatever you want from each and everyone.

May nothing be the effect of their choice, O my God, but of your only desire, your only will of love.

O dear Mother, do not let them go astray or go astray.

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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