Urbi et Orbi

Urbi et Orbi is a blessing performed by the Pope over Catholics of the entire world. Traditionally, the Apostolic Blessing Urbi et Orbi takes place during special liturgical events, such as Easter and Christmas. During this rite, the Pope blesses the assembly from his balcony in Rome, and asks God to receive plenary indulgences on behalf of the people of the world. The Pope addresses his prayers “to the City” (Urbi) and “to the World” (Orbi). It is a universal blessing designed to unite bring Christians in communion. The Pope can also perform this blessing under exceptional circumstances: on March 27, 2020, Pope Francis blessed the assembly to support them and ask for their protection from the coronavirus outbreak.

The Apostolic Blessing in Latin

“Sancti Apostoli Petrus et Paulus, de quorum potestate et auctoritate confidimus, ipsi intercedant pro nobis ad Dominum.

R/ Amen.

Precibus et meritis beatæ Mariæ semper Virginis, beati Michaelis Archangeli, beati Ioannis Baptistæ et sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli et omnium Sanctorum misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus et dimissis omnibus peccatis vestris, perducat vos Iesus Christus ad vitam æternam.

R/ Amen.

Indulgentiam, absolutionem et remissionem omnium peccatorum vestrorum, spatium verae et fructuosae pænitentiæ, cor semper pænitens et emendationem vitæ, gratiam et consolationem sancti Spiritus et finalem perseverantiam in bonis operibus, tribuat vobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus.

R/ Amen.

Et benedictio Dei omnipotentis : Patris et Filii et Spiritus sancti descendat super vos et maneat semper.

R/ Amen.”

(Discover other traditional Latin prayers)

The Apostolic Blessing in English

“May the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, in whose power and authority we trust, intercede for us before the Lord.

R/ Amen.

Through the prayers and merits of Blessed Mary ever Virgin, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint John the Baptist, the holy apostles Peter and Paul, and all the saints, may Almighty God have mercy on you and forgive all your sins, and may Jesus Christ bring you to everlasting life.

R/ Amen.

May the almighty and merciful Lord grant you indulgence, absolution and the remission of all your sins, a season of true and fruitful penance, a well-disposed heart, amendment of life, the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit and final perseverance in good works.

R/ Amen.

And may the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, come down on you and remain with you forever.

R/ Amen.”

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