Prayer for Pentecost

“Then appeared to them what seemed to be tongues of fire, which parted and came to rest on each of them; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in strange languages, as the Spirit gave utterance to each.” (Acts of the Apostles 2:3-4)

This feast of the Christian liturgy, which comes 10 days after the Ascension of Jesus to the Father, marks the Lord’s giving of the Holy Spirit sent to mankind.  To Pray to the Holy Spirit, third person of the Holy Trinity, and to ask him to enter our lives, is to invite the breath of God to console us, to fortify us, to guide us.  In discovering His seven gifts, we open ourselves up to our true destiny as children of God.
This year, live Pentecost 2020 in UNITY by joining this

!  For 9 days, receive each day a meditation, a prayer and a chant from different Christian traditions (Anglicans, Copts - from the Coptic Orthodox Church -, Catholics, Protestants) and pray with a single heart!

Call to the Holy Spirit

“Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth,
 Who art everywhere present and fillest all things,
 Treasury of good gifts and Giver of Life,
 come and abide in us,
 and cleanse us from all impurity, and save our souls, O Good One.”
(from the opening prayers of Divine Services in the Byzantine Catholic and Eastern Orthodox rites),

Prayers of the Popes John-Paul II et Benedict XVI for a New Pentecost

Prayer of Saint John Paul II to the Spirit of Truth

« Spirit of Truth, who came to us on the day of Pentecost to mold us in the school of the Divine Word, fill in us the mission for which the Son sent you.  Fill all hearts and incite many young people to aspire to what is authentically great and beautiful in life, the desire for evangelical perfection, the passion to save souls.  Uphold the “workers of the harvest” and give spiritual fecundity to their efforts to accomplish good.  Render our hearts perfectly free and pure, and help us to live fully the walk to follow Christ, to taste as a final gift from you the joy which will have no end.  Amen.”

Prayer of Benedict XVI to the Spirit of Life

“Spirit of Life, who in the beginning hovered over the abyss, help humanity in our time to understand that to exclude God leads her to become lost in the desert of the world, and that only where faith arrives does dignity and liberty flourish, and is the whole of society edified in Justice.
Spirit of Pentecost, who makes of the Church one body, make us return, us, the baptised, to an authentic experience of communion;
Make of us a living sign of the presence of the Resurrected One in the world, a community of Saints who live in the service of Charity.
Holy Spirit, who equips us for mission, enable us to recognise that in our time too, so many people are looking for truth about their existence and about the world.
Make us collaborators of their joy through the announcing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, grain of wheat of God, which makes the terrain of life good and ensures an abundant harvest. Amen.”

Prayers during the Celebration of Pentecost

During the mass of Pentecost, a specific sequence follows the Alleluia: that is to say the beautiful chanted prayer of the Veni Sancte Spiritus.
During the Sacrament of Confirmation, we receive the Holy Spirit.  That is the Pentecost of the baptised; that is why the celebration of this Sacrament takes place often during the vigil of Pentecost.  Thus, during the Universal Prayer, we can carry the confirmands of the year in our prayer intention.
“Lord, pour out your gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit on all the confirmands, so that they may discover you more and more each day in their prayers and that they remain faithful to your Word.  Lord, we pray to you.”

Live a True Pentecost with the Offerings of Prayers and Novenas on Hozana!

  • Take time to pray for the gifts of the
  • Be encouraged to invite the Holy Spirit into your life with this wonderful
  • Finally, continue to walk with the Holy Spirit by your side, all during the year, by joining

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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