Prayer for a Family Going through Hard Times

Separation, illness, unemployment, grief… life sometimes brings many challenges that can hit families hard. Praying for families is important, even more so when they are going through tough times. Entrust the Lord with families facing financial problems, relationships or health issues, etc. May they always rely on God’s love, and never abandon their faith and hope. 

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for Families

“Sacred Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, we offer You our families, whether they are happy or facing a challenge, with their beauty and their wounds. 

Teach us to lovingly watch over one another, to care for everyone, and especially children, the elderly and the weak; people we do not often prioritize in our hearts. 

Teach us to care for each member of our family: spouses, that they may look out for one another; parents, that they may take care of children; children, that they may, in time, grow to become their parents’ guardians. 

May we all become the guardians of God’s gifts!

Let us, O Lord, be witnesses before the world of an ordinary life lived in love, carried by love, founded by love.

Grant us that we may place our familial experience under the seal of Your Gospel, and exclaim that, as You showed us, love is as unfailing and eternal as Your covenant. 


Prayer for Families Going through Hard Times

“God Almighty, Our Father, blessed and glorified are You for the gift of family life.

We pray You to let our families become a clear symbol of Your eternal love. 

May Spouses learn to build day after day a real, patient and humble love, and may they be a model of Your alliance to their children: always ready to share and to forgive. 

Grow trust in the heart of children, and the desire to commit their lives to Your will. May they find in their youth the energy to discover the happiness and freedom that You planned them to enjoy. 

Lord Jesus, look with kindness on families experiencing hardships: material issues, separation, illness and death. You give us life in Your Eucharist: come inhabit us and grow in us Your peace and joy. 

Holy Spirit, give us the strength to persevere in our faith, to live each day by Your mercy, to face challenges. Let us become brothers and sisters to those who do not know the warmth of family. 

Open our hearts to Your will, come enlighten our decisions and unite our lives to work for Your Kingdom. 

Holy Trinity, come lift up our spouses, our parents, our priests and tomorrow’s faithful servants. 


Other Prayers to Help You during Tough Times

Whatever challenge you are facing right now, turn to the Lord and ask Him, with prayer, to send you His Holy Spirit. Let Him comfort you and strengthen you during hardships, and guide you to the light.

The Virgin Mary’s kindness and gentleness is a great comfort: she listens to your requests and brings them to Her Son. Pray for Our Lady, undoer of knots or Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal to ask that She fill your heart with Her graces. 

When you are facing an illness, you can pray for the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes or of other great saints: St. Anthony of Padua and St. Rita; finally, you can say healing prayers to the Lord. 

Don’t forget about St. Joseph! He is Jesus Christ’s loving foster-father, and took care of His Holy Family: He can assist you in your work problems or problems at home. 

Pray to The Lord on Hozana

Hozana is a social network designed to help you practice daily prayer. You can join multiple prayer communities to connect with your Christian brothers and sisters, and pray together for your families. Say a

, the Virgin Mary’s mother, and entrust with Her every family for nine successive days. Say a
: pray to the Virgin Mary in times of affliction. You can also pray a
, and entrust your problems to Jesus’ foster-father. 

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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