Prayers for Holy Week

Holy week is the week following Palm Sunday and preceding Easter. It is the last week of Lent, during which Christians are invited to relive the last days of Jesus Christ’s life on earth. For example, Maundy Thursday (or ‘Holy Sunday’) is the day of commemoration of The Last Supper, while Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Christ and His death on the Cross. During Holy Week, we are reminded of the gift of life after death. Discover these prayer suggestions to accompany you on your meditative journey during Holy Week!

Acclaim to The Suffering Christ by St. Gregory the Great

“O Lord, You received affronts without number from Your blasphemers, yet each day You free captive souls from the grip of the ancient enemy.

You did not avert Your face from the spittle of perfidy, yet You wash souls in saving Waters.

You accepted Your scourging without murmur, yet through your meditation You deliver us from endless chastisements.

You endured ill-treatment of all kinds, yet You want to give us a share in the choirs of angels in glory everlasting.

You did not refuse to be crowned with thorns, yet You save us from the wounds of sin.

In your thirst, You accepted the bitterness of gall, yet You prepare Yourself to fill us with eternal delights.

You kept silence under the derisive homage rendered You by Your executioners, yet You petition the Father for us although You are his equal in Divinity.

You came to taste death, yet You were the Life and had come to bring it to the dead.


Prayer by St Anselm of Canterbury

“O Lord, You suffered and died, that I may live through You!

How can I enjoy this freedom, if I owe it to your captivity?

O Lord, You suffered and died, that I may live through You!

How can I rejoice in my salvation, if it is bought by Your suffering?

O Lord, You suffered and died, that I may live through You!

Lord, you suffered willingly, for mercy and love

O Lord, you suffered and died, that I may live through You!”

Prayers of The Faithful for Holy Week

Many Mass celebrations during Holy Week are often accompanied by petitions for the baptized, for those who suffer, and for all mankind in general. Here are a few examples:

“Lord, we pray that we always turn to our brothers and sisters to help one another. Lord hear our prayers!”

“Jesus Christ, Our Savior, we bring our prayers to You: that we may share with you this Holy Week the pain of your crucifixion, and the joy of your resurrection. That this joy may be renewed in the light of your Cross, symbol of Eternal Life. Lord hear our prayers!”

“Lord, You have known suffering and rejection: we pray for those who are sick, disabled, rejected by society. That they may find love and comfort in You and with You. Lord hear our prayers!”

Other Prayers for Holy Week

Prepare for this special week and Easter Day with a selection of prayers to recite each day! Discover beautiful prayers to say on Maundy ThursdayGood Friday, and Easter Vigil. On Good Friday, you can also find a moment of meditation to reflect on Jesus Christ’s passion by praying the Stations of the Cross

Live Holy Week with Hozana!

Hozana is a social network designed to assist you in your daily time of prayer. You have access to a wide variety of prayer communities to join your Christian brothers and sisters in prayer. 

Join a spiritual program of reading and meditation by the Brothers of St. John and pray each day of Holy Week. Learn to practice praying daily with a community dedicated to meditating on the Daily Gospel. If you are not able to go to Church for Holy Week, you can still join communities and say prayers of the faithful for the sick!

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