Prayer to St. Expedite for Protection against Evil

Prayers are a solid shield and a true and powerful weapon in the face of our enemies. They protect and reinforce us. Praying to St. Expedite can be particularly useful when faced with a complicated struggle.

Prayer to St. Expedite in the Face of Danger

During the course of our lives, we are often called upon to fight evil, which can be found in many different situations: in our family life, in the workplace, with friends, in our weaknesses and in our fears. Attacked and weakened, we need to turn to Christ for protection. St Expedite can help us by carrying our prayers to the Lord.

“St. Expedite you are a role model, you sacrificed your life for Christ, the persecutions did not stop the continuous flow of your prayers nor did they weaken your faith in our Lord, you adored God faithfully. Please intercede on my behalf to the Lord our God, that my prayer rises to meet you and you hear my plea.
St. Expedite, I have confidence in you, I ask that you intervene quickly as my request is urgent. Be my guide and my protector against those who would harm me, against the demons surrounding me.

I ask also for the courage to wait and resist, please reinforce my faith. Through your merits and confidence in our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for me the greatest grace and indulgence that my life be less difficult. Over the centuries, you have obtained many favors for those who have prayed to you.
(Confide your intentions to him now)
Saint Expedite, by the merits of your faith, your saint martyr, and your immense courage, appeal to our Lord in my favor. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen”

During hardship, it is helpful to recite St. Expedite’s Miraculous Prayer. To strengthen our resolve in trying times, it is a good idea to offer a novena to the Lord, in other words, a prayer recited for nine days: There is one in particular dedicated to St. Expedite.

Prayer to St. Expedite in the Face of Adversity

There are times when we are confronted with precise adversaries. Praying guides us on a path of truthfulness and peace. St. Expedite can help us to react with discernment, speed and justice while avoiding falling into the trap of hate and revenge.
“Saint Expedite, your helpful intervention is always prompt and swift, and has never been refused, please make haste! Faster than the wind is your arrival for faithful hearts who place their hope in God and count only on the Lord on high. Saint Expedite, see my distress, pray to the Lord to have pity on me and to save me from danger, for you are swifter than my word, you are already praying the Lord for me. Be my advocate also to the Virgin Mary who always takes special care of her children, pray for me Saint Expedite, may your help be quick and, through you, may God be merciful to the sinner I am. Amen.”

We also pray to St. Expedite for legal matters and conflicts.

St. Expedite, Model of Courage and Faith in the Face of the Enemy

We can invoque St. Expedite in urgent situations and ask for his intercession to obtain the Lord’s protection. St. Expedite’s unfaltering faith permitted him to confront danger and face evil. He faced adversity in his life as a legionnaire as well as in death when he offered his life for martyrdom. St.Expedite is courageous, he did not run away from the enemy. He reflects quickly and fairly, he never waited to make a decision, particularly when he converted to Christianity. These qualities have made him a resource for Christians who find themselves faced with danger.

Fight Back by Praying with Hozana

When we are tired  and distraught, prayer reinforces us and even more so when shared with a group. Do not let despair win the battle! Let this group help you fight back with Hozana! The Virgin Mary is also a powerful ally, reciting the rosary every day will protect you from evil

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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