How do I communicate with angels?

Angels are spiritual beings. While the Catholic Church warns against spiritism and seeking to name angels, it invites us to remain attentive to these divine messengers and to maintain a relationship with our guardian angel. Beyond their protective role, angels can also be powerful intercessors to whom we can entrust our prayers, like the three archangels: Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel or Saint Raphael.

How to invoke angels and archangels?

To invoke your guardian angel or the archangels is to entrust them with a prayer and ask for help and intercession. It is very important to always keep in mind that our prayers are addressed to God. Angels are messengers, helpers, but they serve God and are intended to help us fulfill the will of God.


We can therefore:

  • start our time of prayer with a sign of the cross,
  • then continue by entrusting our prayer intention to God.
  • recite a prayer to your guardian angel or to one of the archangels - Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael - , and then end with the prayer of the Our Father, which is the prayer of every Christian, the one that Jesus himself transmitted to us.

When and why to invoke the Archangel Michael?

Saint Michael the archangel is one of the most prayed-to saints. Leader of the celestial army, prince of the archangels, he fights Satan. Its name means “Who is like God?” and illustrates its mission to fight what wants to take the place of God.

Saint Michael is a protector and defender against evil. We can pray to him when we feel attacked, caught up in inner conflict.

He is also one of the patron saints of France.

There are many prayers to ask for his help, including novenas, the rosaries, prayers of deliverance and even prayers of exorcism.


When and why to invoke the Archangel Gabriel?

The archangel Gabriel is the angel of the Annunciation. It was he who announced to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth. He is the ultimate messenger. We can ask Saint Gabriel to help us to hear the calls of God and to open ourselves to the mission that he has for us. 

Following the example of Mary, Queen of Angels, let us welcome the messages of God in our lives. We can pray to the Archangel Gabriel for this.

When and why to invoke the Archangel Raphael?

Saint Raphael is especially prayed to for healing requests. In the Bible, we find this in the book of Tobit. Its name means “God heals.” We can therefore ask him for his intercession, through prayers of healing, when we are sick or for a loved one who is suffering. This can concern diseases of the body or the soul.

What relationship do I have with my guardian angel?


Pope Francis gives us concrete, easy advice to nourish our relationship with our guardian angel:

 “Today, I would ask myself this question: what relationship do I have with my guardian angel? Do I listen? Do I say hello to him in the morning? Do I say to him: “Protect me while I sleep?” Do I talk to him? Do I ask him for advice? He is by my side. This question, each of us can answer today: “How is my relationship with this angel whom the Lord sent to guard me and accompany me on the way, and who always sees the face of the Father who is in heaven” (Pope Francis) 


How do you talk to your guardian angel?


A good way to communicate with your angel and therefore simply to talk to him as a friend: 

  • ask him for advice,
  • share with him your doubts, your fears, and your joys,
  • thank him for his help, that which we perceive, but also that which we do not.

Daily prayer to your guardian angel: Angele Dei

“Angel of God,

who are my guardian,

and to whom I have been entrusted by divine goodness,

enlighten me, defend me,

lead me and direct me.


Being accompanied by your angel throughout the day

It is good to make a habit of entrusting your guardian angel with every activity of the day, to turn to him before making a decision or before a meeting.

Here is a list of prayers to help us:

With Hozana, pray to the angels and archangels

Hozana offers you several prayer communities and novenas online to entrust your prayers to angels and archangels, but also to better understand how they act in your life. Sign up for free and:

  • find out who the angels are and what relationship you have with them with this beautiful novena,
  • , learn more about angels and demons and entrust all your struggles to him,
  • spend nine days getting to know your guardian angel with each day, an explanation from the Word of God, quotes from saints or anecdotes, a prayer and a small action to take.

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