The nine choirs of the angels

Early on, the Fathers of the Church, also based on the Jewish and Hellenistic tradition, created a hierarchy of the angels. From the 5th century, the Pseudo-Dionysius (Dionysius the Areopagyst) defined a celestial hierarchy. Saint Thomas Aquinas was therefore largely inspired by this work to finalize the current classification: the nine choirs of the angels, which can be prayed to through invocations and novenas.

What are the nine types of angels recognized by the Church? And what is the function of each category of angels? What is the difference between the angels and the archangels? 


The different angels in the Bible

Many passages in the Bible refer to the Angels, both in the Old Testament (as in the visions of the prophets, such as Ezekiel or Isaiah, or in the account of the journey of Tobit, etc.) and in the New Testament, with Jesus in the desert, the disciples on the morning of the resurrection or in the book of Revelation.


Saint Gregory the Great emphasizes the distinction made—in biblical writings—between different categories of angels:

“We know by the sacred books nine distinguished orders among the Heavenly Spirits, the Angels, the Archangels, the Principalities, the Powers, the Virtues, the Dominions, the Ophanim, the Cherubim and the Seraphim. Indeed, the Angels and the Archangels are spoken of in almost all the books of Scripture. Everyone knows that the Prophets often mention the Cherubim and the Seraphim. Saint Paul on the other hand spoke of four different orders in the Epistle to the Ephesians, where he says that Jesus Christ was raised above Powers, Principalities, Virtues and Dominions; and he names a fifth in the Epistle to the Colossians, where he speaks of Ophanim and Dominions, Principalities and Powers. If we therefore add the order of the Ophanim to the four mentioned in the Epistle to the Ephesians, we find that there are five, and if we add to these five the Angels, the Archangels, the Cherubim and the Seraphim, we will have the nine orders of Angels of which we are talking. ” 


First Triad of Angels: The Seraphim, the Cherubim and the Ophanim

This is the upper triad. The angels who compose it are as close as possible to God and constantly contemplate Him.


The seraphim are at the highest level of the celestial hierarchy, that is to say, closest to God, whose love they reflect. They constantly praise God. They are represented with 6 wings and are colored, red, symbolizing this fiery and burning Love of God.


The virtue of the cherubim is knowledge, that is, they have the perfect knowledge of God. Depending on the case, they would have 4 or 6 blue wings. They have many eyes on the body and wings, symbolizing this science and knowledge. 


The Ophanim have only two wings, like all the celestial spirits below them in the celestial hierarchy. Their role is to ensure that the organization of the material world follows the divine plan. They bear the throne of God. 

Second Triad of Angels: Dominions, Virtues, and Powers

The mission of this intermediate triad is to help raise men to the light of God.


The Dominions are in charge of the universal order and transmit the commandments of God to the lower entities. Often represented with princely attributes (scepter, crowns, rich attire,...), they symbolize a free government, free from the evil temptations and passions of power.


These celestial beings dispense divine grace to men. To them, we owe the performance of miracles and the signs of God on Earth.


Powers help fight demons and preserve the order established by God. In this sense, they ensure the way in which powers are distributed among men. They are often depicted in battle dress to symbolize this fight against what destroys the divine order.

Third Triad of Angels: Principalities, Archangels and Angels

These angels are the closest to men. They accompany and guide them to help them respond to the will of God.



The Principalities act in Time and Space; they watch over the Nations and help the archangels and angels in their mission by orienting them according to the plan of God.


The Archangels are the heavenly counselors and messengers. They announce great events to men, like the Archangel Gabriel did for Mary.


Angels are part of the daily life of Men, they accompany them every day, in their daily life. They are their protector and guide to help them act according to the will of God. Each of us has a guardian angel.


(Learn how to invoke angels and archangels and pray to your guardian angel)


With Hozana, learn more about these celestial spirits who guide us to God!

Hozana is a free Christian prayer site, where you can discover more about the invisible world, about angels, and their action in our lives.  

  • With Hozana, get to know your guardian angel!
  • What does Catholic doctrine teach us about angels, their nature, their mission, their role in our spiritual life? Find out by signing up for
  • Pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in communion with all his holy angels with



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