Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

There is an infinite number of prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The devotion to the Sacred Heart intensified after the apparitions of Christ to St. Margret Mary Alacoque; since then, many prayers have been composed to give thanks and bless the Divine Heart of Jesus, offered to mankind. 

More importantly, the devotion to the Sacred Heart is an invitation to offer ourselves, our actions and our entire being to Jesus Christ with prayers and acts of consecration.

Consecration to The Sacred Heart by Pope John Paull II

Taken from his speech in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in New Delhi, India.

“Lord Jesus Christ,
Redeemer of the human race,
to your most Sacred Heart
we turn with humility and trust,
with reverence and hope,
with a deep desire to give to you
glory and honour and praise.

Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the Living God,
we praise you for the love
that you have revealed
through your Sacred Heart,
which was pierced for us
and which has become the fountain
of our joy, the source of our eternal life.

Gathered together in your Name,
which is above all other names,
we consecrate ourselves to your most Sacred Heart,
in which dwells the fullness of truth and charity.

Lord Jesus Christ,
King of love and Prince of peace,
reign in our hearts and in our homes.
Conquer all the powers of evil
and bring us to share in the victory of your Sacred Heart.
May all we say and do give glory
and praise to you and to the Father
and the Holy Spirit,
one God living
and reigning for ever and ever. 


Act of Consecration to The Sacred Heart by Sister Mary of the Divine Heart

“My most loving Jesus, I consecrate myself today anew and without reserve to Your divine Heart. I consecrate to You my body with all its senses, my soul with all its faculties: my whole being. I consecrate to You all my thoughts, words and actions; all my sufferings and labours; all my hopes, consolations and joys; and, above all, I consecrate to You my poor heart, that it may love only You and be consumed as a victim in the fire of Your love. Accept, O Jesus, my most loving spouse, the desire that I have to console Your divine Heart and to be yours forever. Possess me in such a manner that henceforward I may have no other liberty than that of loving You, no other life than that of suffering and dying for You.

I place in You unlimited trust and I hope, from Your infinite mercy, for the pardon of my sins. I place in Your hands all my cares, especially that of my eternal salvation. I promise to love and honour You to the last moment of my life, and to propagate, with the help of Your divine grace and as far as I am able, devotion to Your Sacred Heart. Dispose of me, O divine Heart of Jesus, according to Your pleasure; I desire no other recompense than Your greater glory and Thy holy love.

Grant me the grace to find my dwelling place in Your Sacred Heart where I desire to pass every day of my life and where I wish to breathe my last breath. Make my heart  Your home, the place of Your rest, so that we may remain intimately uniteYour Sacred Heart. Amen.”

Personal Consecration to The Sacred Heart

“O Lord Jesus Christ, in union with that divine intention with which, on earth, You offered praise to God through Your Sacred Heart and continue to offer now in all places in the sacrament of the Eucharist, and will do so to the end of the world, I most willingly offer You throughout this entire day, without the smallest exception, all my intentions and thoughts, all my affections and desires, all my words and actions, in imitation of the most pure heart of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.”

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