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Meditation and Prayer for Ascension Thursday

Meditation and Prayer for Ascension Thursday

The Ascension of Jesus: A Day of Celebration for Christians!

Extending the Paschal Mystery, the Lord's Ascension is a day of joy for Christians, as we celebrate Jesus who, having humbled Himself unto death on the cross, is then exalted above every name! And by His ascent into Heaven, Jesus announces to us a hope: that of eternal life! Following Jesus, we too are called to join God to live beside Him in celestial glory.

Pope Leo the Great aptly explains the nature of the deep joy that fills our hearts on the day of the Ascension: “When the Lord went up to the heights of heaven, the apostles were not afflicted with any sadness, but filled with great joy. [...] Before the group of apostles, human nature received a dignity higher than that of all heavenly creatures: it was to surpass the choirs of angels and ascend higher than the archangels; [...] for it was to be admitted to sit at the side of the eternal Father, being associated with His glory, since the divine nature was united to it in the person of the Son."

Ascension Thursday Prayer

"Lord, the Ascension of Your Son is our own elevation. Our human nature truly participates in Your divine life. Our earthly life has its continuation in heaven, where we are awaited by saints and angels. It is there where we live in hope. Lord, You disappear from our sight without us ceasing to acclaim Your name elevated above every name. Like the disciples, we are filled with great joy for You never leave us alone: You promise us the Holy Spirit, the power from on high that will teach us everything. Jesus, strengthen the faith of our family as You strengthened that of the apostles for forty days. Before passing from this world to Your Father, You announced the coming of the promised Spirit, so that they may proclaim the Gospel: fortify our witness of faith, hope, and charity. Risen Jesus, You send us to testify to Your presence in the world. Here we are to follow in the footsteps of all those who have preceded us in faith. Our life, we live it by walking with confidence. Dispel our doubts, extinguish our ignorance. By making us attentive to the smallest, by letting ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit, grant our family to be a sign of Your presence in the world. Amen.

Prayer by Ludovic Lécuru

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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