Reciting the rosary with a sick person or saying it for them is a very simple help that we can offer. Praying the rosary when we are sick is also an opportunity to regain strength and discover the spiritual benefits of this prayer to Mary.
At the sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, the sick have a special place. During a pilgrimage, the recitation of the rosary is a beautiful moment to share between the companions and the sick. This moment of fraternal communion can also be experienced outside the framework of a pilgrimage. It is possible to have at home: water from the cave, a small statue or an image of the Virgin of the apparitions. We can pray the rosary before these images. So we will not be alone, the Virgin Mary, who appeared to Saint Bernadette, accompanies us.
Disease is a sorrowful ordeal. Suffering is always incomprehensible. We need strength to face the day-to-day. Meditating on the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary can bring us support, peace and comfort. The Virgin Mary accompanies us, just as she accompanied her Son during his passion.
Jesus was alone in the garden of olive trees. The apostles fell asleep. The anguish of death and suffering assails Christ in his humanity. We can pray especially for the anxieties we can go through and for all those who are afraid of death. We are invited to walk with Christ with faith and trust and to meditate on these words: “If it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.” (Matthew 26:42 )
The body of Christ was lacerated with lashes. Suffering seems to reach the worst possible point. The book of Isaiah tells us: He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. (Isaiah 53:4). In the face of suffering, we are invited not to remain insensitive, to take care of our neighbor. We can pray especially during this decade for the caregivers. May the Holy Spirit enlighten them to always take care of the sick and for each sick person to keep his human dignity.
Jesus was crowned with thorns, mocked and abused by the soldiers. Suffering humiliates. Suffering makes you dependent on others. Loss of autonomy is often difficult to experience. We are invited to pray during this decade for all those who have difficulty accepting this dependence. May the Virgin Mary console and comfort them. We can also pray for all those who help the sick. May they carry out this mission with dedication and love.
Jesus was given his cross and had to walk towards Golgotha. His body was exhausted, bloodied. He carried his cross, fell three times, and arrived at the place of Calvary. Through this mystery, Jesus shows us that he is with us when we go through physical or moral suffering. We are not alone. Benedict XVI said of Saint John Paul II, who suffered so much: He bore his suffering with the Lord and for the Lord.
We are invited during this decade to be patient in the trial and to remember that Christ is with us.
The final stage of the passion, but no less sorrowful, Christ was crucified on the cross. Jesus addressed his Father. He put everything into himself and died. We are invited in this decade to entrust everything to God, to trust him, especially in the trials we are going through. Let us cling to the love of Christ. Let us keep the faith and courage of the Virgin standing at the foot of the cross.
We are invited to renew our love in Christ and his mother. We can also repeat these two words of John Paul II: “Totus tuus.”
With Hozana, you can participate in different communities to pray for the sick. You can make a novena to Our Lady of Lourdes and pray each day for people suffering from a particular disease. You can also
. Grace abounds. It is also possible to pray for the sick thanks to this community.