Prayer for Success at Work

There are so many reasons why you should pray for your work: one of them being your profound desire to excel, and to prosper in your career. But what does being successful at work really mean? For some, success is measured by how much money they make, by being promoted, or receiving a raise

And while it can’t be argued that monetary and social recognition is highly appreciated, for Christians, the real root of success is found beyond all of that. Offer your ambitions and vocations to the Lord: let us pray that our work be beneficial to more than just our careers; may your work serve the Kingdom of God!

A Prayer to Progress Spiritually Through Your Work

“Lord, I thank you for the way you’ve made me. For the many gifts and talents you’ve bestowed on me. Father, I trust that I’m the best option for this job. 

I am thankful for each and every one of the people I work with. Even the ones I don’t particularly like or understand. 

I pray that my focus would be on accomplishing the goals you have set forth for me to attain during my time in this position. 

Grant me wisdom and discernment on the job, even in the middle of a hostile environment. Help me learn what you want to teach me here, and give me patience as you prepare me for the future.

Father, help me to do my best and to always remain positive and hopeful. Please stop the complaints and disappointments of my heart with your perfect peace. 

Also, allow me to trust you in my job. Cover me in the garments of praise and the righteousness of Christ that I may bring you glory where I work. 

Lord, let me know my true identity, to walk in your favor, and to aim to please you more than those with whom I work with. 

Where there is friction, let me be a peacemaker. 

Where there are lies, let me speak the truth. 

Father, where there is despair, let me bring hope.

Where there is fear, let me bring faith. 

Lord, where there is darkness, let me bring light. 

Where there is sadness, let me bring joy. 

These things I ask in Jesus’ name. 


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Pray a novena to entrust your professional journey to the Patron Saint of Workers: St. Joseph.

Enjoy a time of relaxation with a reading and meditation of the Daily Gospel, and more!  

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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