A 30 Day Novena to St. Joseph

Patron Saint of Workers, protector and guide of families and homes, example of holiness, we all have a reason to entrust our prayers to the person that was chosen to be the foster father of Jesus Christ. Thirty days truly gives you the opportunity to invite St. Joseph into your day to day life and be filled with the many graces that he can obtain for you from Jesus who he raised with infinite love.

How to Pray a 30 Day Novena to St. Joseph

Everyday for a month, you will recite a prayer to St. Joseph. These thirty days allow you to give more importance to prayer and remember the thirty years that Jesus spent at home with Joseph and Mary before His public life.

Your prayer can be accompanied by a particular intention. You can confide to St. Joseph a specific prayer or simply ask for what you need such as housing, employment, family life, guidance as a father or husband, education of your children, and any questions or worries that you may have.

Example of a 30 Day Novena to St. Joseph

There are several different forms of 30 Day Novenas to St. Joseph. Here is a proposition to say each day during the novena:

After making the sign of the Cross, begin your novena by reciting one Hail Joseph. After confiding your demand to St. Joseph say the following:

“I am so unworthy and small before God that I come before you with my prayers, my hurts and the hopes of my soul. Today I humbly ask you for the grace of …… .”

  • You can also recite the Litany to St. Joseph, modeled after the Litany of Saints.
  • and/or recite 10 Hail Marys and an Our Father and a Glory Be.

To finish, you can say:

“Oh God in Your heavenly providence, You chose Blessed Joseph to be the husband of Your Holy Mother, we pray to You that by venerating him on Earth as our guardian, he will intercede for us in Heaven. For the glory and the power are Yours forever and ever. Amen.”

When do you make a 30 Day Novena to St. Joseph?

The month of March is the month of Joseph whose feast day is celebrated on March 19th. Traditionally, the month of March is also the occasion to offer a 30 Day Novena (by beginning 30 days before March 19th or by praying everyday during the month of March) and other novenas to this important saint.

For professional problems, it is customary to pray to St. Joseph the Worker, whose feast day is May 1st (Labor Day).

However, you can make a 30 Day Novena at any time during the year, whenever you feel the need.

Entrust Yourself to the Tender and Powerful Care of St. Joseph with Hozana

Praying to St. Joseph for a month is an excellent idea but how about praying to him everyday? With the community,

! Join thousands of other prayers and meditate with them on the exemplary holiness of St. Joseph by doing the
. You can also find other propositions for praying to St. Joseph on the Hozana website!

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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