The Miracles of Saint Anthony of Padua
The life of Saint Anthony of Padua (1195-1231), a Franciscan friar, was marked by so many wonders that he was called "the miracle worker." At his death, Anthony's sanctity was so radiant, and the miracles at his tomb were so numerous, that he was proclaimed a saint less than a year later. During the canonization ceremony, no fewer than 50 miracles took place. The first biographies of the saint recount his famous miracles.
What are the 13 miracles of Saint Anthony of Padua?
The number 13 is associated with Saint Anthony of Padua because he died on June 13th. It has become a symbolic number: the thirteen days of prayer in preparation for his feast are called "Tredicina." It is also said that Saint Anthony can perform 13 miracles in one day. Christians have made it a habit to commemorate the miracles of Saint Anthony of Padua, and the Basilica of Sant Antonio in Padua is adorned with frescoes and bas-reliefs depicting each scene:
- The eucharistic miracle of the mule: An heretic once challenged Anthony, asking him to prove through a miracle the real presence of Jesus in the Host. A hungry mule was brought forward, with its fodder on one side and the Holy Sacrament on the other. Ignoring its meal, the animal knelt before the consecrated Host. The heretic converted on the spot.
- The newborn who spoke: A family was in turmoil when a woman gave birth to a child, as the father refused to hold the newborn, believing it to be the product of adultery. Brother Anthony was fetched to calm the man's anger. The saint addressed the newborn directly, asking it to reveal its true father. The swaddled infant, unable to move its hands, said, "Here is my father!"
- The resurrection of little Thomas: One day, a mother left her house, leaving her young son, Tommasino, playing alone. Upon her return, she found the child drowned in a water-filled tub. In despair, the mother immediately called for Brother Anthony, promising to offer as much bread as her child's weight if he came back to life. The saintly monk resurrected the boy, and the mother kept her promise. The tradition of asking for a child's healing by promising to offer their weight in bread continues to this day.
- The reattached foot: A young man, confessing to Saint Anthony, admitted to having violently kicked his mother. The saint sternly told him, "The foot that strikes a mother or father deserves to be cut off immediately." Overcome with remorse, the man cut off his own foot. Learning of this, Saint Anthony hurried to him and, while praying deeply, reattached the foot. The young man stood up, perfectly healed, and praised God while dancing for joy.
- The heart of the miser: A very rich man had died, and all his relatives gathered for his funeral. Brother Anthony, present at the scene, was troubled. Suddenly he exclaimed, "This dead man must not be buried in consecrated ground, for his body is without a heart." Everyone was astonished, and a doctor was eventually called to verify the claim. Upon opening the deceased's chest, it was discovered that the heart was indeed missing. The heart was later found in the safe where the rich man had stored his fortune.
- The sermon to the fish: One day, as Brother Anthony was preaching in Rimini, the people paid no attention to the sermon and did not even seem to see the monk. Anthony went to the shore and called out to the fish, "Since men do not want to hear the word of God, it is to you that I will announce it." Then, thousands of fish stuck their heads out of the water, wriggled, and squirmed to show their joy at listening to the words of praise.
- The miraculous spring: Religious brothers begged the Franciscan father to find water near their monastery. As soon as Anthony began to pray, clear and abundant water sprang forth at his feet. In addition to flowing, this water healed the sick. People came to draw from this miraculous water, and many healings occurred.
- The vision of the Child Jesus: One day, as Saint Anthony was deep in prayer alone at Camposampiero, he was seen in ecstasy holding the Child Jesus in his arms. Throughout his life, Saint Anthony had a deep devotion to the Child Jesus. Just before dying, he exclaimed once again, "I see my Lord!"
Other saints performed many miracles during their lives. Discover the extraordinary lives of Saint Padre Pio and Saint Charbel, as well as the miracles of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, and those of the Holy Parish Priest of Ars.
Prayers to Saint Anthony
For centuries, Christians have flocked to the tomb of Saint Anthony in Padua to ask for grace and miraculous healing. While not everyone can travel to Italy, anyone can pray to the miracle-working saint from home.
On Hozana, discover all the prayers to Saint Anthony of Padua.
The prayer of the miracle to Saint Anthony of Padua:
O Saint Anthony, the kindest of saints, your love for God and His creatures has earned you miraculous powers on this earth. I implore you to intercede on my behalf. Whisper my request into the ears of the sweet Child Jesus, who loved to nestle in your arms...
(Express your request)
O Saint Anthony, saint of miracles, whose heart was filled with human compassion, I beg you, hear my prayer, and I will be grateful to you forever. Amen
The Thirteen-Day Prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua:
Saint Anthony died on June 13, 1231, so it has become customary to pray to him for thirteen days (the thirteen-day prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua) or thirteen weeks (the thirteen Tuesdays of Saint Anthony of Padua). The devotion of Tuesdays to Saint Anthony is linked to the day of his funeral.
Other prayers to Saint Anthony:
Over time, Saint Anthony has been entrusted with a particular mission, that of finding lost objects. By extension, he is also entrusted with finding lost people and helping those seeking love to find it! To receive Saint Anthony's help in these areas, here is the prayer to find a lost object and the prayer to find a soulmate. And for those who have been granted their requests, a beautiful way to give thanks to Saint Anthony of Padua is to recite his litanies.
You can also try our Saint Anthony prayer for lost love, to find your soulmate!