For the beginning of the school year, many parishes organize a blessing of the backpacks. This is an opportunity to cultivate community during the important time that is the beginning of the school year and to bless the children and the work they will do over the next year. Children are invited to live this year under the gaze of God, who accompanies them every day in their school life.
At a back-to-school Mass, the priest invites the children to bring their schoolbags and school supplies to bless them. The backpack symbolizes all that we do to accomplish our work.
Through the schoolbags, it is the children who receive the blessing to be able to get through this school year with the help of God.
During this Mass, a special prayer intention can be said during the universal prayer for the children, teachers and all the staff who surround and accompany the children in their school life.
By the celebrant:
“God who sanctifies everything by Your word, pour out Your blessing on these bags and let all those who use them with love and courage, according to Your will, receive from You the intelligence and the strength to work for Your glory.
Through Christ our Lord. ”
By Children:
“Lord, help us to pray to You every day and to make efforts during this school year, in order to give the best of ourselves, for Your greater glory. ”
By the celebrant:
"God our Father, listen to the prayer of these children who present their backpack to you today as a symbol of their work.
Allow them to grow throughout this year in faith, hope and charity, and prepare them yourself for the mission you want to entrust to them for their happiness and your glory.
By Jesus Christ"
The beginning of the year is an opportunity to make good resolutions as a family. And why not take a little time for everyone to entrust their day to God and be guided by Him in our daily lives?
Hozana helps you set this up by offering many prayer communities to feed your personal and family prayers. Among all the proposals, you can, for example, choose to
And if you're wondering how to pray for your family,